katie tully
ashleey luvs roosters
It's not hard to find a job. There are plenty of jobs going around, it's just that most Australian's are lazy and cbf doing work that requires effort. I know a boatload of people who lost their jobs at the mines out here, and would rather sit on Newstart than taking a lower paying job because "I won't go from 1800 a week to 600 a week, I need more than that, so I'm going to stay at home and bludge 600 a fortnight from the government instead", coz that makes sensehmmm, even if they get paid out... it doesnt matter, these days its hard to find a job. I Bet 30% of those ppl sacked from pacific brands will not find work in the next 6 months...
Besides why do they pay those models and CEO's of Bonds so much money???