This is my story:
I walk across the road from building 6 into the bottom level of the Bon Marche. Oddly enough there is a woman in security guard holding the door wide open - so I go in. I press the button for the elevator and the elevator opens, so I walk in and it takes me to level 2.
I walk to the lounge where the computers are[not working at the time] and I see not a soul - AVS is closed, faculty office closed etc. Now I need a computer so I decide to go the tower and walk along the corridor to the door - another security guard is there plus a dude fiddling with the door and outside that door is a gargantuan crowd of people. So I ask the security guard if I'm allowed to leave via that exit, and I get a reply something like this:
"You aren't supposed to be in here!:burn: How did you get in?"
And thus I am escorted out of Bon Marche(even though I wanted to leave anyway...), into the throng and a dude is on a megaphone saying:
"There has been a power malfunction"etc.
Its at this point I realise I was in the elevator around the time the power problems were happening...