My material on this isn't as good as the others, but here's a few points:
The Invention of the Transistor: Research Questions
The transistor replaces an unreliable technology.
Gather, process and present secondary information to:
1. Discuss how shortcomings in available communication technology lead to an increased knowledge of the properties of materials with particular reference to the invention of the transistor.
Notes The answer to this question should address the following points:
• Thermionic valves and mechanical relay switches as the 'available technology'.
• Shortcomings of the thermionic valve
(fragile, maintaining vacuum, expensive large size, large power needs).
• Examples of problems with the use of thermionic valves. In particular the failure
rate of valves in early computers.
• The relationship between the failure of valves and the search for better materials.
• The invention of the transistor as a replacement for valves.
• Advantages of using the transistor discussed with examples
(very small as required, robust, low power use, cheap to produce).
• The early use of germanium in transistors leading to failure at higher temperatures.
Subsequent use of silicon transistors (improved material)