i went for a trial at a hairdressing salon. they treated me like shit, and made me take all the products off the shelves, wipe the dust off, then put it all back on again x 36. it took me 4 hours to do half of it. then they said ok u can go now. no 'we'll call' or 'thankyou for your time.' i felt so used. its like they permanently had some fucking sign up to get people in there to clean the store cause they couldnt be fucked doing it. this is stylez by the way. and it wasnt until after id gone and done it did i start getting feedback like 'oh no. dont work there. apprentices that have had a passion for hair have ben turned off hairdressing completely because of that place.' and 'only work there if u want to clean for a year.' how devestating. oh well i got a mad job in a funky new salon i cant wait to start. theres my rant lol.