eh i see ive caused controversy...
honestly id prefer it if i didnt tell you my marks.. because in comparison to other ppl who post and offer tutoring who get like 99.95... i wud suck extremely...
since u guys r all so hooked on knowing my uai.. i got 92.9
sorri that its not up to your standards guys.. with the expectation of 99.9999999
but i dnt think my uai has a hell of a lot to do with it.. yes, its an idication of how i went.. but only in the hsc.. in terms of school assessments.. ranked 1st in all but 1 of my subjects- ext english- where i was ranked 4th..
yet, if u ask the people ive tutored.. such as joe- he got full marks from his assessment which i tutored him for..
for japanese i got 96 in the hsc, which was my best subject..
so there you have it.