u scratch my back, and ill scratch urs... (1 Viewer)


Sep 11, 2003
ok guys, we all know that its a bitch finding secondary sources on any pip topic....
so, it would really be helpful if i could tell u guys my topic and u could help me out with finding info, and u guys could tell me ur topic and ill do my best to find info for u

ok, my hypothesis is... female lebanese hsc candidates are not as ambitious to perform well in the hsc as female vietnamese hsc candidates due to a difference in cultural priorities.
basically, any websites, people, books, articles, amgazines, anything that would help would be reallllly appreciated. post ur topic and i promise to do my best.
thanx guys


Premium Member
May 23, 2003
Originally posted by shoo

ok, my hypothesis is... female lebanese hsc candidates are not as ambitious to perform well in the hsc as female vietnamese hsc candidates due to a difference in cultural priorities.
That's a very hard topic to find secondary information due to the depth of your topic. It is however, relatively easy to find "cultural priority" in both the Lebanese and the Vietnamese culture. But to relate these to HSC candidate as such, is rather difficult to do.

I suggest you to formulate a questionnaire to hand out to students in your school, assuming you have a large population of students of Vietnamese and Lebanese female from your school.

In terms of secondary information, you need to firstly find out what cultural priority of those two cultures first. I assume you would believe that for Vietnamese (or Chinese) would be education. As for Lebanses, image, family, marriage? (I'm not too sure). Then you must link these aspects to HSC candidates with sufficient amount of Society and Culture concepts being used throughout your PIP.

Good luck with your PIP. I know it's long and difficult to mangage, buyt with enough information, you can get through anything. :)

Student of Society and Culture 2003.
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Sep 20, 2003
yeah survivor39 u are right! This topic wuld be very hard to research secondraily on! Finding out about cultural priorities is more easily done but you should try and relate your secondary research with you primary research. The best way to approach this would probably be doing primary research ian nterview maybe! Im vietnamese so if you need any info dont hesitate to email me on young_gurl45@hotmail.com..! remember your hypothesis may not always be what u thought in the first place. HSC markers also like seeing the journey of cultural literacy you may in the end find out that Some lebonese girls do try hard due to the fact that their parents may hev been deprived of an education and they want to try harder..ur results could easily be changed so keep an opend mind!..also try and see which studnets perform better in the HSC if you can and take into count what schools they are from private or public because that could contribute to their performance in the HSC as well!


trouble maker
Sep 10, 2003
in front of a computer most likely...
can i give you some advice i got Shoo?
My teacher (who is a senior marker and he set the 2002 paper so lets just assume he know what hes talkin about) says the biggest let down in the pips is that kids pick "who cares" topics!

I jst can't find any particular issue of global importance your studying here...more or less i see a really hard time for yourself cos you have picked a really hard topic to research and im just not convinced it'll pay off at the end of the road

but then agian i could be completely wrong and this topic could mean masses to you which will motivate you to unforseen hieghts! All the best

student of society and culture 2003

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