I know it depends on the difficulty of the test. I was giving a numerical estimate based on rough statistical "averages" over the last few years. Lately Ext2 exams have not been insanely hard. The Board of Studies "tries" to keep difficulty consistent every year, but one's perception of difficulty is very subjective.
You couldn't be more wrong! I for one NEVER got over 85% for any of my assessments in Ext2 and I managed a HSC mark of 94

. Similarly, with a lot of my friends who
just passed their assessments, they got almost 90 in the HSC. I didn't even go to a top 40 school. Standards across various schools are very different. Some schools set easy assessments, others set much harder assesssments and this has little correlation with the ranking of the school in the state.
That's the ideal, but it is not the case in reality. What is the majority reason a lot of people take Ext2? They like the HIGH SCALING! I don't think most of the bottom half of the Ext2 candidature would actually "like" the maths offered in the course. A lot of people I know who did Ext2 aren't exactly the type who "like" maths. A lot of people who do 'badly' in Maths (not even close to 90 in Ext1) still do Ext2.