First time doing umat, 69th percentile, S1:54, S2:65, S3:44...
I know its not high enough for an interview, but just wanted to know if you think it might be possible with like a 99.9 atar. I know I could kill the interview if I just had the chance.
I'm aiming for a .95 to get into sydney med but still...
P.S for backup plan:
I'll keep trying for med, doing umat every year and then gamsat...but:
Veterinary medicine at USYD
Med sci at UNSW
Med sci at USYD
or Adv Med sci at WSU (campus is across the road from my house, so would be really convenient)
Try not to pressure yourself too much to get a 99.95, just try your best and see what you get.
It's very wise of you to be thinking about how to order your preferences though.
What I can say on your options is:
- Vet med is a good degree, but it's not altogether similar to human medicine. Do your research to make sure being a vet would be the lifestyle you want.
- Med sci can be a slippery slope. Don't do it purely with the intent of getting into medicine, because there's no guarantee that you will - if you're doing a med sci degree, you should be interested in other pathways like medical research. If your only goal is to get into medicine, you're probably better off doing a course that interests you and also offers more flexibility for future pathways. That way you can work at a higher GPA and also have more options if you graduate and don't make it into medicine.
That being said if you're legitimately interested in med sci and the non-doctor jobs it can give you, then go for it.
- The three universities you have listed are all good, some people say that WSU may be easier in terms of getting a high GPA, though I wouldn't altogether bank on that, many factors will play into your own individual results. Pull up the course handbooks for all these degrees and read them. Choose the course that matches the structure you like and you're most happy to go to. The closeness of WSU is actually a solid plus, would make life easier, speaking as someone who heads to UNSW from out west every day (though I have no regrets, I love UNSW). They're all great universities though.