Originally posted by Twintip
The one with islands R S T & U better not count because I thought there was no correct answer for that either (I drew a diagram and looked at it for 5 mins at the end of the section). Of course I selected a token answer at the end but... yeah.
Yeah that was the 1 i guessed in section 1 too... argh... spent like 5 min working on that qs... >_<
i thought all the options were possible
island R had none of X,YorZ
S can have only Z
T can have X,Y,Z or X,Y
U can have X,Z, or just X
which covered all the options???
bah! its all over now neway
Originally posted by d00d
hey so how many of u guys did prep courses? i didn't and struggled, guessed most of section 3 and the last five questions of section 1.
so did the prep course help? my friends that did dallas said section 3 was so easy thx to dallas, maybe i'll do it next year.
i didn't do a prep course but most of my friends did though, i know some1 who apparently did 2 courses

. most said that the prepcourses didn't help... others said it did... i spent the night before googling umat lol, which sorta helped i guess.