University of Sydney Science Gifted and Talented Discovery Program 2014 (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 1, 2013
Hey everyone,

Is anyone going to the University of Sydney Science Gifted and Talented Discovery Program 2014?
Just started this thread to talk about which workshop you're going to, where you're coming from, and whos going etc.
Here's a link for more info:

Btw, I'm coming from QLD and have registered for the October workshop.
Byeeeee for now!

-MineTurtle :D

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New Member
Aug 1, 2013
Okay guys, here's some info from their website:

The Science Gifted and Talented Discovery Program was established in 1996 and has had over 1,650 students participate since its inception. The aim of the program is to provide talented high school science students (in Years 9 and 10) with additional challenges and stimulation in the areas of biology, chemistry and physics.

The workshop also gives students an on-campus experience. It provides them with the opportunity to engage with University teaching staff and current researchers, access first-class facilities and make friends with people who have a mutual interest in science. The program runs twice a year for three days in the July and October school holiday period.

Registration for the Gifted and Talented Discovery Program Qualifying Exam is now closed. Late applications may be accepted. Please contact

What have the students got up to at the workshops in the past?

Biology is full of fun with a number of interesting laboratory sessions. Examples of past programs include:

Animals - their bodies and behaviour - How exactly does an animal do something basic, like move around or find food? How does an animal use its own body to perform the necessary actions for survival? These questions were answered in a workshop that gets up close to the inner workings of animal bodies then explores the fascinating world of animal behaviour. The workshop featured specimens for dissections as well as live animals so students could study animal biology from the inside out.

Biology and DNA - Biology is a big subject and biologists do many different things – from following a pack of African dogs in a helicopter to manipulating an organism’s DNA. In this workshop, students took a whirlwind tour of biology by doing a wide range of experiments and activities – like making a fish’s pee pink, discovering the colour in fly eyes – in this wonderful and enormous field.

Put your body to the test - students spent a day with the School of Biological Sciences exploring the capabilities and limits of the human body. They saw how good their taste buds were at detecting flavours, found out what part of their body was best at feeling the heat and learnt how to take their own blood pressure. The day with Biology guaranteed to get them up close and personal with their own body.

Celebrating Darwin - we celebrated the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin with an exploration of evolution. Students took part in a quiz on the life of England’s most famous naturalist and got up-close to Australia’s #1 enemy and learnt how scientific research is helping to fight the cane toad invasion. Finally, students took a good look at the human eye and decided if it is intelligent, or incompetent.

In Chemistry you can almost be assured that something will go off with a bang. Previous examples include:

April - Chemistry once again came alive with 21 different experiments to really get their hands dirty. There was a bit of everything from slime to resorcinol polymers to luminol...

July - There are exciting experiments to be done making bouncing balls, fireworks and soap plus the chemical detective game where the best experimental report won a prize.

April - In one workshop you will not only got a great presentation from Associate Professor Tony Masters on Great Chemical Disasters, but made over 15 chemistry experiments.

July - And if that workshop and 15 experiments aren't enough how about 21 different experiments to really get your hands dirty. There was a bit of everything from liquid nitrogen to fireworks in a test tube to photo luminescent pigment…

Physics covers many areas and our workshops are themed. Below are some examples of past programs:

Tsunamis and wavelengths - What do Tsunamis have in common with guitars? Can you measure wavelength with chocolate? Can sopranos really break a wineglass with sound? Find out all the ins and outs, ups and downs of wave motion, complete with a lecture from Professor Tim Bedding on Asteroseismology - the physics of starquakes.

Radioactivity and starquakes - Explore the physics of radioactivity and particle physics, and take a sneak peek into how this links to cancer treatment.

Telescopes and astronomy - Discover how telescopes really work, explore the lifecycle of a star, and understand through hands-on experiments the many challenges astronauts face when travelling in outer space. Also, there was the chance to chat to professional astronomers from the School of Physics.

Rockets and space travel - In the July Physics workshop we continued our investigations in honour of the International Year of Astronomy. Students from the Space Society helped us out with rocket launches, both solid fuel and liquid nitrogen powered, and astrophysics students will help us to reconstruct a multi-spectrum colour image of a supernova.

What costs are involved?
Registration for one workshop = $220.00 inc GST
Registration for two workshops = $396.00 inc GST (10% discount for enrolling in both workshops)
Please note these prices are subject to change.

If students do not live in the Sydney area there will be additional travel and accommodation costs involved that will need to be met by the student.

Travel scholarships
There are 10 travel scholarships awarded for each workshop (10 scholarships for the July workshop and 10 scholarships for the October workshop. Travel scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:

Distance from your home to the University of Sydney, and your exam results.
You will need to calculate the distance in kilometres (one way) from your house to the University of Sydney’s main campus in Camperdown. If there are a number of students from the same location who apply for the travel scholarship, the student who achieved the highest exam result will be awarded the travel scholarship. Students will be advised in writing if they have been awarded a scholarship. Please note that it is unlikely that students within the Sydney metropolitan area will receive a travel scholarship.

Academic Scholarship
One academic scholarship is awarded to the student who achieves the highest result in the Gifted & Talented Discovery Program Qualifying Exam. The scholarship will cover the cost of attending both workshops ($396.00). Any travel and accommodation costs need to be met by the student.

Additionally, a limited number of academic scholarships will be awarded to students from a NSW government identified low socioeconomic (LSES) high school, who achieves the highest result in the Gifted & Talented Discovery Program Qualifying Exam. Any travel and accommodation costs need to be met by the student.

In 2012, 9 students from NSW LSES schools qualified for the program. All 9 offers were accepted. 3 of the travel scholarship recipients also received academic scholarships because they attended a NSW LSES school.



Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
Think this is in the wrong section.. You're more likely to find people in year 9-10 discussion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
you wait for the mods and then it'll magically appear in a different section lol

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