The UNSW med interview is weird and not like any of the other universities
They ask you questions about you as a person, you growing up, your friends, your parents, your grandparents and your relationships with them, what you got out of school, who your role models were.
You will sit there thinking 'which animal do i identify with?'
and you will come out thinking 'they know me, but is this a good thing or a bad thing?'
Be prepared to talk about yourself, and be open. Don't try to be something you think they want, because you won't be able to predict it. Don't close down and don't try to keep your distance.
I think its worthwhile writing down a list of experiences and what qualities they show in you so you can remember them easily in the interview. Like teamwork, communicating, leadership, awareness of social and cultural issues, dealing with difficult situations, volunteering, evidence of interest in medicine that sort of thing.
I wouldn't recommend extensive preparation because you don't know what they're looking for. I went through the interview and did well and I still don't know what they're looking for. I know people who cried and got through, I know people who wore jeans and sketchers and got in.
and cats do make the best doctors for your information