UNSW Subject Reviews. (3 Viewers)


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
ACCT150 (Accounting 1A)

Ease: 7/10. Reasonably easy, don't need to put much effort in to do decent ie. high C - low D. Most of it can be rote learnt. Internal assessments aren't that difficult. Couple of curve balls in final exams though, otherwise woulda been an 8.5.

Content: 6/10 Theory based accounting is dry af. First couple of weeks its business studies all over again, ie introducing the balance sheet/income statement. The accounting cycle can be a struggle to get through entirely but not too much of a fuss. Some content can be confusing, so I recommend actually doing tute hw, unlike me. Management section of accounting is alright, calculating inventory and COGM statements are 'fun'. LOL

Lecturers: Youngdeok - Siqqqqq m8888 (7/10). Wei - Struggle understanding her when she speaks (3/10), Jeffery - Sahhhhh hipster, siq beats, gets people to volunteer infront of the theatre which can be rather funny(7/10)

Tutor: 8/10 Chilled about most things. Didn't force people to answer questions. Tutorials straight forward - discuss previous weeks content, go through homework. That's about it. Great explaining concepts and giving examples. Shame I couldn't scab two marks off him for the mid-sem test.

Overall: 7/10 Course can be great for some, a nightmare for others. Just depends if its in your interest and you apply yourself. I'm looking forward to later level accounting subjects :)


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
ENGG1000 - (Mechanical Engineering)
9/10 - ezy lel

COMP1911 - Taylor
9/10 - really interesting course and i enjoyed it. My tutor was shit though.

PHYS1121 - Wolfe/Eliziabeth
4/10 - i didn't like wolfe as a lecturer and i didn't learn much. the problem solving classes were redundant. anything i learnt in this course was self taught

MATH1141 - Wolfgang/Grossman
8/10 - was a challenging and difficult course but very rewarding


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
ENGG1000 - (Mechanical Engineering)
9/10 - ezy lel

COMP1911 - Taylor
9/10 - really interesting course and i enjoyed it. My tutor was shit though.

PHYS1121 - Wolfe/Eliziabeth
4/10 - i didn't like wolfe as a lecturer and i didn't learn much. the problem solving classes were redundant. anything i learnt in this course was self taught

MATH1141 - Wolfgang/Grossman
8/10 - was a challenging and difficult course but very rewarding
Strong review/10


Apr 2, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Uni Grad
ENGG1000 - Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: Francois (he's a dick)
Comments: Course was pretty easy, however lectures are really boring (Don't go), just make sure your in a good group.

PHYS1121 - Physics 1A
Lecturer: Joe Wolfe/Elizabeth Angstman
Comments: Joe Wolfe does some retarted funny shit, but as a lecturer, he sucks (or that could just be me, however Squar3root seems to agree). Angstman is a good lectuer, understood most things. The course in general seems alright, until you start doing past papers, then you realise how fucked you are.

Lecturer: Chris Tisdell/ _ Coster
Comments: Tisdell is hands down the best lecturer ever (would have been 10/10 if it wasnt for the other lecturer). Coster was really boring and explained things pretty poorly. Overall, course is pretty easy, would reccomend.

Lecturer: Geoff Whale
Comments: Boring lecturer, boring content, boring lab. Only thing that made this course good was that it was relatively easy.

Now you can see why I didn't really like my first sem of Engo
glhf next sem


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
^^Well I sort of agree with kalstar regarding phys.

I mean it was a good yet challenging course but the lecturers we had were in essence; shit.

Wolfe just did some questions on the board and was like "k just learn dis" and the eliz lecture spent a good deal of time showing us precisely how to derive equations and at the end, she's like, "this will never be asked in an exam". Bitch, why did you waste 20 minutes of my time showing me something when all I have to do is sub it in + algebra. Fak.

Tbh, all up I only went to about 10 physics lectures this whole semester and in the time I had physics I just went to the library to study so I didn't slack of.

And another rant. All those people who go to the library, and just leave there books in the study spaces and tables and then disappear for 2 hours need to unenroll from unsw asap. What the fuck are you doing just leaving your shit and walking away, take your shit with you so people who want to study can study without having to wonder 4 floors before they find a mediocre spot.

I moved someones books once so that I could sit down and work and when he got back 30 minutes later he was like bro "what the hell" so I stood up and showed him. Good thing I am black and he walked away so I didn't have to hurt him
Strong review/10
Trying to keep it short and simple


Apr 2, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Uni Grad
^^well i sort of agree with kalstar regarding phys.

I mean it was a good yet challenging course but the lecturers we had were in essence; shit.

Wolfe just did some questions on the board and was like "k just learn dis" and the eliz lecture spent a good deal of time showing us precisely how to derive equations and at the end, she's like, "this will never be asked in an exam". Bitch, why did you waste 20 minutes of my time showing me something when all i have to do is sub it in + algebra. Fak.

Tbh, all up i only went to about 10 physics lectures this whole semester and in the time i had physics i just went to the library to study so i didn't slack of.

And another rant. All those people who go to the library, and just leave there books in the study spaces and tables and then disappear for 2 hours need to unenroll from unsw asap. What the fuck are you doing just leaving your shit and walking away, take your shit with you so people who want to study can study without having to wonder 4 floors before they find a mediocre spot.

I moved someones books once so that i could sit down and work and when he got back 30 minutes later he was like bro "what the hell" so i stood up and showed him. good thing i am black and he walked away so i didn't have to hurt him

trying to keep it short and simple



Kosovo is Serbian
May 6, 2014
Uni Grad
EDST1101- Educational Psychology
Lecturer: slava kalyuga
Comments: Course was piss easy, 2 multiple choice tests, lectures 100% online so u can skip alot, essay might fuck u over, overall easy D, easy HD if u ace ur essay

PHYS1111 - Fundamentals of Physics
Lecturer: Richard Newbury/Krystana Wylk
Comments: Richard was pretty fun explained shit well, krystana was fucking slow and boring as fuck, my physics is weak so i did struggle a lot, but cramming 2 days b4 finals payed off, labs and online quizzes easy as fuck marks
Lecturer: Peter Brown/David Angell
Comments: Peter Brown is truly the god of algebra, explained things crystal clear, aced algebra easily, angell on the other hand gave me a massive mindfuck with calculus, lucky my tutor explained better otherwise id be fucked for calculus, do your homework and study and u can get a D/HD, i beat alot of my friends who had 4unit maths while i only did 3 cause i actually studied more then them, do not ignore ur free marks with online quizzes and maple, once u learn maple it is really really easy.

Lecturer: Geoff Whale
Comments: Boring lecturer made me sleep half the time, shit is explained poorly, if i didnt have good friends to help me in this course i would be completely fucked.


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
I would have went all ghetto up in his ass if he turned around. Beware, squar3root is fearless and has no boundaries. He does not report or stop for anyone for he is squar3root
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
ENGG1000 - Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: Francois (he's a dick)
Comments: Course was pretty easy, however lectures are really boring (Don't go), just make sure your in a good group.

PHYS1121 - Physics 1A
Lecturer: Joe Wolfe/Elizabeth Angstman
Comments: Joe Wolfe does some retarted funny shit, but as a lecturer, he sucks (or that could just be me, however Squar3root seems to agree). Angstman is a good lectuer, understood most things. The course in general seems alright, until you start doing past papers, then you realise how fucked you are.

Lecturer: Chris Tisdell/ _ Coster
Comments: Tisdell is hands down the best lecturer ever (would have been 10/10 if it wasnt for the other lecturer). Coster was really boring and explained things pretty poorly. Overall, course is pretty easy, would reccomend.

Lecturer: Geoff Whale
Comments: Boring lecturer, boring content, boring lab. Only thing that made this course good was that it was relatively easy.

Now you can see why I didn't really like my first sem of Engo
glhf next sem
Strong review 10+. Tisdell was the boss, learnt very little from Coster. I gotta say even the simplest example and content, I had no idea how she got from here to there! I had to go to Angell/Pahor for the Calculus stream after Week 4.
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New Member
Oct 29, 2013
ENGG1000 Mining
Lecturer: no idea lol
Comments: as everyone has said don't go lectures for the love of god..... Overall an easy course if you have a good group and if you are good at writing reports portfolio and problem statement shit.

Lecturers: Milan Pahor aka god and Chi Mak aka pallalelogram
Comments: Milan Pahor is no doubt the best lecturer for calculus, explains everything in funny ways and is very easy to understand, Chi Mak i initially thought was a shit lecturer. But once you go past his accent he is actually a pretty good algebra lecturer and explains everything thoroughly.

Lecturer: Michael Burton and the american dude with the name i can never remember who uses memes in his lecture slides
Comments: Interesting course but completely took me out of surprise because of the difficulty but i eventually got the hang of it. I found that going to lectures was mostly pointless because they go over a LOT of stuff and its hard to keep track. So its better to just practice questions til your fingers break, its the best way to study for phys1121

Lecturer: Geoff Whale -_-
Comments: All i have to say is thank god this shits over. But seriously the lectures were BORING AS FUCK idk how people managed to stay awake during the lectures. Labs were quite interesting but i was always behind because i didnt attend lectures. But our tutor gave us all 10/10 anyway LOL.


Apr 26, 2012
Uni Grad
Yo. I'm back with another one of my super long course review posts. ;) Time flies by so quickly... and I'm beginning to feel old.

MGMT3721 (Negotiations)

Ease: 7/10. If you pay attention to your workshops and lectures, it won't be difficult to get a decent mark on all your assessments. They also give an incredible amount of feedback as you progress, so even if you failed the first plan, it should be easy to pass everything else.

Content: 6/10. This course teaches you theories on how to negotiate well. That's pretty much it. If you're expecting anything more than that, you're looking at the wrong course.

Lecturer: Peter --> 7.5/10. He's a great guy! And he explains the content rather well. But I kept falling asleep in his lectures. Not sure if it was because of the late time or the content itself or him, but yeah. Also, he almost never finishes teaching the week's content, so expect to go home and read the textbook to fill in the gaps.

Tutor: Noa --> 8.5/10. Really friendly lady that explains the content really well and really tries her best to help everyone with their problems.

Overall: 7/10. If you really have to pick a Management course, you might as well try this one. It's not too difficult to get decent grades, the lecturers and tutors are super enthusiastic about the subject and have many years of experience teaching it, and you're sure to make a few friends here and there through your workshops. Just be prepared to roll your eyes at the theories. And answer questions from Peter in the lectures.

ACCT2522 (Management Accounting 1A)

Ease: 6.5/10. If you properly study and do your homework every week, you should be able to get decent marks in all the assessments. The exam, like in most Accounting courses, will try to do you in, but proper study should make it easier to pass. Also, make sure you do all those practice quizzes. You'll need all the free marks you can get!

Content: 6.5/10. Content is definitely a level up in difficulty compared to ACCT1511 (Accounting 1B). Some parts are boring, but for the most part, I was satisfied with what I learned.

Lecturers: Linda --> 6.5/10. She makes me fall asleep, but she does teach well. // Brian --> 4.5/10. Just fell asleep in all his classes. // Nicole --> 6.5/10. Fell asleep the least in her class. She also teaches quite well. Make sure you don't talk when she's teaching though. She has really sharp ears and can hear you all the way from back!

Tutor: Christian --> 6.5/10. Likes doing a lot of group work. Teaches alright, but wish he could explain everything better. // Linda --> 8/10. Had her as a substitute teacher. She's scary, but she teaches really well and gives you advice that will really save your butt in future assessments! Be prepared to work like a dog and be absolutely perfect in her tutorials.

Overall: 6.5/10. Has its good points and bad points. Study well and you'll feel better about the course.

FINS1613 (Business Finance) - retaking, ugh.

Ease: 7/10. If you're going to take this course, I strongly recommend taking it in semester 1 with Robert. The overall difficulty level of the quizzes and the final exam is a lot easier when he's teaching the course. Make sure you attend all the lectures and do all the online homework though, or you'll definitely be screwed.

Content: 7/10. Actually understood the content this time around, so I was pleasantly surprised by how interesting it actually was.

Lecturers: Robert --> 9.5/10. One of the best lecturers I've ever had. Teaches well, will slow down for you if you need it, jokes around, etc. // Ying --> 6/10. Teaches well enough, but his lectures just make me fall asleep. His lecture slides are extremely detailed, so you can just skip his lectures if you have a good enough grasp of the subject. // Zhian --> 4.5/10. Fell asleep. Accent makes it difficult to understand him.

Tutor: Jeremy --> 8/10. Friendly guy that teaches pretty well. He likes to test our minds by asking questions that we'll never get tested on in the course, but that will be useful if you're planning on pursuing Finance as a major in the future. Also easy to go up to him if you don't understand something. He doesn't push anyone to answer a question either. Overall, pretty good tutor, would recommend. Only wish he'd write larger!

Overall: 7/10. Actually had a fairly pleasant experience with this course the second time around. As I said earlier, I would highly recommend everyone to take this course in semester 1. So much easier and there's a lot more support.

MGMT2718 (Human Resource Management)

Ease: 8/10. Barely even attended the lectures. Just rocked up for every tutorial and did some reading at home and I'm currently on track for a high credit or distinction.

Content: 5/10. The content is similar to what you'd find in MGMT1001 or MGMT1002. It's meant to be an introduction to Human Resources. It was a huge mistake to take this after taking another upper level Human Resources/Management course! The level of bull you'll have to study and spout off is just like doing MGMT1001/MGMT1002 all over again...

Lecturer: Ian --> 3/10. Keep falling asleep in all of his lectures. Speaks really slowly and softly and just keeps marching through the material without ever changing his tone. Also doesn't know how to use technology, but that's another story.

Tutor: Xiaoli --> 4/10. Friendly enough, but she can't control the class at all, takes marks off without giving any explanation on why those marks were taken off, and keeps interrupting when you're trying to do group work. If you have her, grin and bear it. And if she asks you a question, just bull.

Overall: 3/10. Two words: EXTREMELY DISORGANIZED. I have never had a course as frustratingly disorganized as this course was. The lecturer didn't bother telling us the mid-semester exam was open book until the day before! He also didn't know how to use Moodle properly, so all his announcements were never sent to any of our emails. And the tutorial facilitation will be one of the most annoying assignments you'll have to do, because the instructions aren't clear at all and there's almost no guidelines whatsoever. The first 2-3 groups had to bullcrap everything, and in the end they were told by our tutor that they were supposed to do the tutorial facilitation tasks that was in a Word document that came out AFTER the third week of tutorial facilitations! Doing this course really made me reconsider doing Human Resources as a major...


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
ARTS1810 (International Relations)

Ease: 2/10

Content: 0/10. Very very dry course with all terminologies that I had struggled to understand. Too many words ending with 'ism'. I gave it a 1/10 because of the dryness of the course is, not on the difficulty, but dryness has lacked my engagement in this course.

It is pretty easy because of the laid-back assessment portfolio.

Emma (2/10) - I get very irritated when she says 'mmm-k' at the end of every sentence she says!

Nick (7/10) - Good speaker, engages the class and so forth. He is what I expect out from an IR teaching staff.

Overall: 1/10. Worst course I've ever taken - they don't teach you basic definitions or anything. Very very dry.

MATH1131 (Mathematics 1A)

Ease: 7/10 (Linear Algebra), 4/10 (Calculus)

Content: 10/10

Lecturers: Chris Tisdell / Adelle Coster
Linear Algebra:

Chris Tisdell(11/10) Tisdell is probably without a doubt in my mind the best teacher/lecturer that I ever had my entire education career. His motivation, enthusiasm and awesomeness (he was a fricken DJ in the 90s!, a pretty good darn one as well) contributed very well to this course and my strengths in Algebra. I have huge huge respect for Tisdell overall and is now probably one of my greatest heroes and influences in education for me. There is never a dull moment in his lectures. Hopefully he will get nominated for the Australian teaching award that he was taking about during the lectures.

His DJ remixes on Youtube are pretty good, and often listen to them when doing Math work as a sense of motivation.


Adelle Coster(5/10). Adelle is an average lecturer. Some of her techniques is a bit weird in showing this and showing that. She’s sometimes slow on this and that and sometimes fast on this and that topic.

Linear Algebra:

Thanom Shaw (10/10) She is a very good speaker with a good voice. I like to say that if you don’t have her, she’s like the female younger version of Peter Brown. She is very helpful and consultation and I go to her quite frequently.


Ray Popple (8/10). He’s also pretty good. He’s a much older person and makes all these childish jokes. He chooses a lot of hard questions in the tutorial but I would I understand because I’m weaker at Calculus.

Overall: 10/10. Very powerful and tough course, and despite the difficulty in Calculus for me, it is probably the most rewarding course that I would ever do/did in UNSW. Tisdell was the highlight of the course and I hope to have him again in the near future, hopefully in second year maths.

PHYS1111 (Fundamentals of Physics)

Ease: 8/10. If you had done HSC physics, it is very similar in content only with few new topics.

Content: 8/10. The topics studied in PHYS1111 is very similar to Physics 1A (PHYS1121) only that they go in a much much more technical level than we do.

Richard Newbury (Week 1-6) 9/10. Very cool and laid back type of guy. Very relaxing to be in his lectures. Explains things in a very interesting and engaging manner.
Krystyna Wilk (Week 7-12). 6/10. Very heavy polish accent, I preferred looking at supplementary material to study this other off of the course through online videos, pre-labs, labs and physics consultations.

Lab demonstrator: 4/10 I have no idea what her name is. The only thing that I remember from her is when she yells at me "UNITS!" when marking my part of the lab report. I'd always kept things to the very last in labs.

Tutor: Same as lab demonstrator

Overall: 8/10. Not a very difficult course imo, even for those who had not done HSC physics. Very friendly based assessment weighting structure. The level of difficulty dwarfs in comparison to PHYS1121 (Physics 1A).

PSYC1001 (Psychology 1A)

Ease: 7/10

Content: 6/10. This course has several topics in Psychology and are all splitted up into brief topics in the course which were: Social, Cultural, Consciousness, Health, Personality, Emotional, Developmental and Methodology (the stats lecture) lectures.

I liked Social and Health psychology lectures, the rest were boring as fk. Personality was ok.

Too many of them, there were about like 7 lecturers. All were pretty good except that the consciousness lecturer was pretty boring (what a coincidence!). The developmental lecturer was pretty cute imo (haha) and felt quite bad for as many left during her lectures, but I gotta, the content was boring and probably the least engaging throughout the topics in PSYC1001.

Overall 7/10. Make sure you know how to write a Psychology report, lose a lot of marks in the HRR assignment (worth 25%) for not using double spacing.
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Apr 2, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Uni Grad
Strong review 10+. Tisdell was the boss, learnt very little from Coster. I gotta say even the simplest example and content, I had no idea how she got from here to there! I had to go to Angell/Pahor for the Calculus stream after Week 4.
Wish i went to another calc lecturer :/


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Uni Grad
Lecturer: Peter Brown/David Angell
Comments: Peter Brown is truly the god of algebra, explained things crystal clear, aced algebra easily, angell on the other hand gave me a massive mindfuck with calculus, lucky my tutor explained better otherwise id be fucked for calculus, do your homework and study and u can get a D/HD, i beat alot of my friends who had 4unit maths while i only did 3 cause i actually studied more then them, do not ignore ur free marks with online quizzes and maple, once u learn maple it is really really easy.

Lecturer: Geoff Whale
Comments: Boring lecturer made me sleep half the time, shit is explained poorly, if i didnt have good friends to help me in this course i would be completely fucked.
They are good lecturers - Peter brown is a god. David Angell is great as well as he explains things very well - literally I remember I learned a section of MATH2011 with him (when he was a substitute tutor) and I actually understood everything he said :)

And yeah, Geoff Whale wow. ENGG1811 lectures weren't worth going and thank god I skipped pretty much every lecture.


Dec 7, 2012
MATH1131 (Mathematics 1A)

Ease: 10/10 (Calculus and Algebra)
Personally enjoyed the material thoroughly, and I find it worth the time learning the materials in advance. Added fact that I was from an overseas high school for one and a half year (spent year 11-12 here) and my old school (overseas) taught a lot of these, especially algebra - I think 60% of algebra for me is revision from my Year 10 (again, overseas.).

Content: 10/10


Calculus: Milan Pahor (10/10)
He is one of the best lecturers for Maths, and that is true in every sense of the word. He has a way of making explanations simple, easy to understand and enjoyable..when you put that phone away. Actually put it away. His conciseness helps a lot with Calculus seeing as this first semester deals with theorems, some of which might sound new until you learn them and realize it's just a fancy way to say stuff in Maths.

Algebra: Chi Mak (9/10)
Although his first impression seemed to exude an aura of 'a lecturer with an accent palllalllellll to the limit of a function as it goes to infinity', once you get past the accents it's easy to see that he is a great lecturer. He writes his notes and answers live on screen with a projector lamp which immensely helps to understand the steps of how the solution/theory is solved or formed, and also posts his handwritten solutions to Moodle, good for students to recap what has been learned or if one misses something.


MATH1131 (Mathematics 1A)

Linear Algebra: Thanom Shaw (10/10) She is a very good speaker with a good voice. I like to say that if you don’t have her, she’s like the female younger version of Peter Brown. She is very helpful and consultation and I go to her quite frequently. She technically a high school teacher at SCEGGS back taking a year off for teaching at UNSW maths for a year or so as part of the school’s ‘Teaching Fellow’ program.

I had Thanon as well! Just as what sirable said, she is a very capable tutor and is similar to Peter Brown in terms of teaching. Tutorials are very enjoyable and you learn easily with her classes.

Calculus: Stephen Sanchez (9/10). Stephen is great as well. He typically would write and explain the basic summary of the topic of the week before heading in into questions, which is useful as a recap of the material.

Overall: 10/10. Personally is the best course I did this semester - or perhaps this degree - and very worth it as well. In this course, your efforts to do well will carry you a long way with many rewards.

PHYS1121 (Physics 1A)

Ease: 6/10. As my physics teacher had once said, "HSC Physics do not prepare you at all for university physics," and that is true. No longer will you be required to rote learn essays, you will learn actual physics with calculations, befitting of what you are supposed to learn in the first place! However, this requires a lot of effort to catch up and understand the materials given, thus this course is quite a challenge to accomplish on its own. With enough effort, you can actually study this course on your own and do well.

Content: 8/10. The content itself should be fairly interesting. HSC students might see that Physics 1A explores some topics from the old HSC syllabus but in greater depth and more calculations.

Prof. Joe Wolfe (Week 1-6): 6/10. Mixed feeling about this lecturer. While his lectures are made fairly interesting with his experiments, his way of explaining itself is not exactly the best and his notes are, to be honest, a pain to read. He has subscripts on his subscripts of his subscripts!

Dr. Elizabeth Angstmann (Week 7-12): 7/10. Not exactly bad as a lecturer, she explains topics quite decently. She also explains labs in the prelab videos. The only lacking thing is that she tends to drone on with rather exploring the derivative of an equation rather than explaining the actual material in depth.

Lab demonstrator: 8/10. I have the demonstrator group of Tim, Charley, and Elliot (I think there should be 4 but I forgot if that's the case). They are pretty nice, except for some moments where they just up and trolled you with "nope wrong no marks here" (except for Elliot, he'a a really nice guy!). Good partners can carry you a long way through the lab.

Tutor: 4/10. I do not like how Physics structures their tutorials. They bunch you up with a lot of students (enough to fill a whole room, more than 50 at least.) and they only have two tutors (and the lecturer) to teach. I do not think this is effective, but at the very least the tutors were helpful. Aside the fact that you will probably need to wait for the tutor to scurry from one end of the room to another to answer your question.

Overall: 7/10. When everyone says that this is a hard course they are not kidding. You need a lot of effort and hard work to learn the topics well and pass!

COMP1911 (Computing 1A)

Ease: 8/10. The programming required in this course needs some logical thinking process to get it from your thoughts into an actually working and readable code! Interesting topics and programs to do though. Make sure you catch up with what is being taught! Programming does not need rote learning, it needs experience.

Content: 8/10. You are learning the C programming language here, which is interesting for me. One of the assignments needs you to make the 2048 game!

Lecturer: Andrew Taylor: 8/10. Nice lecturer. He sound a bit..lazy, though. He gives out Mars bars for those who answer his questions correctly. Also, I spend a fair bit of time in the lecture struggling to decide whether that coding error is deliberately made to test us, or is an actual blunder he made! But overall a nice lecturer.

Tutor: Dan Padilha (10/10). Great tutor! You learn a lot from him. Real helpful in labs as well.

Overall: 8/10. A fun course for me to do. Catch up on materials often and try to code often, it will help you in learning programming much better.

ENGG1000 (Engineering Design and Innovation)

Ease and Content: 8/10. I did the Mechanical Engineering project. You are supposed to create a vehicle to go through an obstacle track. Quite fun to do! Aside from practical work you are supposed to do some 'peer assessment' where you rate your peers' work in reports. Pretty biased, if I may say. I had an awesome team so I wouldn't say that it's a bad thing!

Lecturer: Chris Menictas (6/10). Small voice, and his lectures are not exactly useful except for those moments where he has interesting videos. He always has a 'housekeeping' moment before he starts lectures where he reminds you of what to do this week, which is useful!

Overall: 8/10. Not a bad course. Pretty interesting and decently easy to do once you get into it.

That was quite long.


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
Tutor: 4/10. I do not like how Physics structures their tutorials. They bunch you up with a lot of students (enough to fill a whole room, more than 50 at least.) and they only have two tutors (and the lecturer) to teach. I do not think this is effective, but at the very least the tutors were helpful. Aside the fact that you will probably need to wait for the tutor to scurry from one end of the room to another to answer your question.
Well, you will be in for a rude shock when engineering tutorials will have 40-60 students in them and there are 1-3 tutors. You will need to adapt to that and make use of it.


Dec 7, 2012
Well, you will be in for a rude shock when engineering tutorials will have 40-60 students in them and there are 1-3 tutors. You will need to adapt to that and make use of it.
Whoa, that carries over to subsequent years as well? Although I dislike the system, at the very least while I had the lessons in Physics I attempted to make full use of the help from the tutors, so it wasn't exactly a bad thing for me. It's just that after experiencing Maths I am leaning towards that method of teaching. Oh well, adapt to survive! Thanks for the heads-up :D


Kosovo is Serbian
May 6, 2014
Uni Grad
They are good lecturers - Peter brown is a god. David Angell is great as well as he explains things very well - literally I remember I learned a section of MATH2011 with him (when he was a substitute tutor) and I actually understood everything he said :)

And yeah, Geoff Whale wow. ENGG1811 lectures weren't worth going and thank god I skipped pretty much every lecture.
ive read reviews before about angell, like he knows his stuff and he is good, but for a few topics for me i feel like wtf does this and that mean


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
ive read reviews before about angell, like he knows his stuff and he is good, but for a few topics for me i feel like wtf does this and that mean
But this is where you ask him questions and he explains it even better! I had him as a tutor, and really liked his teaching style. Some tutors go into unnecessary detail or detail that by a certain stage, we should all know. He goes straight into the content that is new and efficiently explains concepts.


Kosovo is Serbian
May 6, 2014
Uni Grad
well i have him for discrete next sem so better get used to him i guess

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