UNSW Subject Reviews. (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Uni Grad
MATH3161: Optimization

Ease: 8/10. It’s pretty much like a combination of the first few weeks of MATH2011 and MATH2501. You don’t get tested on any Jordan forms/Cayley Hamilton theorem, stokes theorem, Fourier series, etc. None of the latter stuff pops up for this course – it’s really only the intro stuff that pops up. All you really need to know is how to find gradient, find a hessian matrix, and all of the linear algebra up to and including eigenvalues. The downside is that there are a lot of formulae you have to memorize (and this screwed me over in one of the tests). Also if you’re the sort of person who tends to make a lot of silly mistakes, be prepared to lose a crap tonne of marks.

Content: 8/10. The content is easy – you don’t actually need to understand it, but you only need to know how to apply it. Try to do some of the questions without solutions and try to study a lot especially before finals and class test 2 – there’s a lot more content you need to digest and a lot of people flop out for those two exams.

Lecturer: 4/10 – Jeya Jeyakumar – Boring lecturer tbh. Keeps making us copy a lot of stuff during lectures. There’s this motto about him, it’s basically him saying “keep writin’ or die tryin’”. I also felt as if he didn’t explain himself well in the lectures (or maybe it’s his accent that’s keeping him down?).

Tutor: Jeya Jeyakumar – well same rating as above. Tbh you do not need to go to the tutorials for this course seeing as he publishes the solutions to the tute problems afterward anyway.

Overall: 7/10 – It’s a course that is somewhat okay. It’s arguably one of the easiest third year MATH courses to take, but it may not be so true seeing as all the ACTL and stats kids are taking it to try and boost their wams. An upside of this course is that there are past papers for it (FTW, and even repeated questions too :D). The downside – lots of content and lots of algebra (+ mistakes to be made). Also no scaling for this course so you pretty much get your raw mark.

PHYS1121: Physics 1A

Ease: 4/10. Physics is basically mindfuck. If you learned how to do 4U Mechanics properly, then you’ll have a very good advantage in this subject. However be prepared to be destroyed by thermodynamics and gravitational (and kinetic energy) sections of the course as they are pretty hard to do well in. The quizzes are mindfuck as well – get the textbook and the corresponding solutions because they will help you greatly with the quiz (as well as understanding how to do the questions and not just getting answers).

Content: 8/10 – hard but somewhat interesting. First few weeks were piss because it was a revision of 2U and 3U maths all over. When it got to the third week it was forces – so if you did 4U mechanics you have it quite good. Everything else is quite new so make sure you study for that thoroughly.

Lecturer: Joe Wolfe – 4/10. Boring. Has a sense of humor but can’t explain shit properly. Liz Angstmann – 6/10 – she’s decent but I didn’t find her interesting. Rob Wittenmyer – 8/10 – he has a really great sense of humour and is definitely an interesting person. He explains concepts quite well in general (although some stuff isn’t too good).

Lab: 8/10 Had Charley, Tim, Elliot and Anh – They were quite good overall. The only problem is that we have to wait for so long to have lab demonstrators to try and help us out. Apart from that no problems.

Overall: 7/10. Make sure you do past papers and know how to answer the questions they give you. If you do that then you’re guaranteed a pass for the final. If you score at least 35/40 internally, then you can score yourself at least a credit for this subject. Apart from that, nice final this year – Q1 only required 3U maths knowledge. Q5 was fucking hilarious because of the Justin Bieber question – props to Rob for writing that and making my day :D

PTRL2010: Business Practices in the Petroleum Industry

(Think this is the first PTRL2010 review posted here)
Ease: 8/10 – it’s pretty much a mix of business studies, ACCT1501, MGMT1001 and some 2nd or 3rd year management course combined together with a petroleum engineering focus.

Content: 3/10. So much bullshit in this course. If you didn’t do accounting in high school or if you didn’t take ACCT1501 then you would have been screwed over because the accounting in this course was explained very terribly – not enough examples to go about and not enough material to study from. Also you learn petroleum law, CSG reserves, environmental protection, petroleum licences. They’re pretty dry and it’s not very well taught in general.

Lecturer: Had a mix of lecturers:

Guy Allinson was our main one. 2/10. Bloody hell. 8am starts is fucking hell. At 8:10 onwards he doesn’t allow you into the lecture. Whilst a lot of the stuff he can explain well, it can be flawed at times (he thinks of things in a very simple way, so you can imagine a lot of flaws there. E.g. comparing forging a signature in a classroom and forging a signature for an oil contract – it’s actually what he did). Also the main reason for such a rating is that he freaken has no humanity what so ever, i.e. unapproachable, can’t take shit from others, not open to consultation, not replying to emails, rude, very angry attitude, always tries to think of the negatives of others, etc.

Jill Sweatman was one of the main guest lecturers – 3/10. Didn’t really like what she was teaching – wasn’t really relevant and it was stuff that I knew of already. Also she seemed very patronizing and rather irritating imo as she forced us to listen to her.

Bun Hung – 7/10. Had him for petroleum law. He’s a bit quiet but he can really engage with the audience – it’s a nice contrast compared with Guy Allinson – at least he isn’t “old fashioned”. Also doesn’t care if you come in late, so as long as you are quiet. Would want to have him again as a lecturer.

Rachel Braikenridge – 6/10. She tried her best to explain accounting stuff though tbh a lot of the stuff wasn’t solidly explained. Not bad as a lecturer otherwise.

There were other guest lecturers but I’ve only had one lesson with them.

Tutor: N/A

Overall: 1/10. Very poorly organized course, possibly one of the dodgiest courses I have ever seen. Whilst I understand that such a subject is necessary, it needs a COMPLETE overhaul. And if anyone is thinking of taking this course as a gen-ed or a free elective, do not even consider it – step well away from it. 8am starts are painful enough but to have a crap lecturer(s) is the worst experience you can have. No transparency what so ever as you do not find out what your marks are during the semester (which actually makes us wonder what he does with it). Also I’m not even sure if Guy will end up marking the final – he’s probably going to make up the marks on the basis of whether if he likes you or not.
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Feb 28, 2014
Here's my first batch of reviews for this semester:

ENGG1811: Computing for Engineers

Tutor: Randal Grant – 9/10. Yeah, would say that he’s quite good overall seeing as he’s taught the course for the past 3 years already and he knows what to assess/what not to assess. Plus for the last few weeks he didn’t really check people’s labs and just gave 2/2 regardless to everyone (even if they were just there).
He's an awesome guy and does 1917 too. There's COMP1400 which is a basic object-oriented (Java) design course, probably a watered-down version of COMP2911.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2012
Uni Grad
Ease 8/10. Couple of topics are a bit wacky and take a bit of time to grasp, but certainly by the time finals come around there is nothing out of reach. Final seemed tougher this year than most (although maybe everyone thinks that) and is weighted at 80% but if you do the problems 80+ is achievable (especially since there seem to be a decent amount of people in the course who have to be there and don’t particularly care). Quizzes during session vary wildly in difficulty within and between classes. That being said, unless you are really unlucky, there should be a couple of straightforward ones so that if you know what you are doing 25+/30 is reasonable.

Content 9/10. Some parts (Proofs, logic, set theory) more interesting to me than others (modular arithmetic). Some people hate the absctract nature of the material, some love it. I fall into the latter camp, but I can understand that if you want to be able to find practical appliactions of whatever you are learning you might not like this course (also, maths is probably not for you – try accounting).

Lecturer 5/10 – Trenerry was alright, seemed to know his stuff but was generally just boring. Read straight off the notes, didn’t bother to set up the PDF so when he clicked each part would then appear. He just read through the whole block. Still, between the notes and the youtube videos you should be fine learning the theory. (PS Peter Brown was a sub for one lecture and that was amazing, 10/10 for him).

Tutor – Daniel Mansfield 9/10. Nice guy and probably 10/10 if you were aiming only to pass, but doesn’t pay too much attention to the hard questions so getting yourself from D to HD requires independent work. Still, very good tutor.

Overall 9/10- preferred it to 1131/41/51. Not sure how easy it is to do well (maybe I’ll update this next week). For that reason, there are probably better elective choices out there than this one. But if you enjoy working through problems (relative to essays or whatever) and don’t mind abstract and precise thinking, then you will probably enjoy it.

Ease 10/10 – If you got 100% in both assignments (not hard) and solved the first 5 of 7 exam questions, then you would have been at an 84. That is pretty attainable with some work. No Mark Zuckerberg genius required. Anyone who has any programming aptitude and doesn’t need to take 1917 should take this course for a WAM boost. Unlike lower/higher maths, they are not scaled agaist each other. I did a fair amount of programming in high school so certainly could have done 1917, but why work harder for a lower mark?

Content 7/10 – C is a powerful language, if a little bit ugly. So apart from the syntax, most of the content was repetition for me and anyone who did programming at school or any of those teach yourself Python competitions. Labs are doable, and a good way to learn (beats real homework).
Lecturer –Andrew Taylor 10/10. I know everyone loves Buckland, and people try to 1917 because of that, but Taylor knows his stuff and is just as entertaining in a very different, deadpan away. He spends most of the semester doing an impression of ‘Andrew Taylor’ - an idiot who hates life and doesn’t really know how to write C and then is suddenly enlightened.

Overall 9/10. Not as challenging as 1917 would probably be, but for people who need science electives (me) or who want to learn some solid programming skills, this course is for you. If you do 1921 you can then access all later computing courses.


Ease 9/10 pre final, 4/10 final. Up until the final, all is great. Participation and homework marks is basically Rob Tumarkin handing everyone 20%. Quizzes are fair if you know your stuff and he has the great habit of adding marks to everyone’s quiz if the average is low. Then the final came along. The past paper he gave us (2012 I think) was dead easy. But the final had 10+ very challenging questions. Could get some of them out, but was a stark departure from the rest of the semester. Hopefully he scales.

Content. 7/10. Reasonably intuitive (relative to 1912), pretty boring unless youhave a passion for valueing companies or something (ie if you are one of those hacks who decided at 16 working for Goldman Sachs was the greatest honour in life). The sections that involved accounting were generally the worst parts for me. Anything where a basic understanding of maths got you through were the better parts.

Lecturers. Rob Tumarkin 10/10. Great guy, interesting lecturer. You get the impression he doesn’t sleep well at night if has taken a mark off someone that day, so he does his best not to.
First chinese guy 5/10. Only positive was that lectures finished an hour early. All we learnt these two weeks were how to plug numbers into a couple of formulas.
Second chinese guy. 1/10. Boring, incoherent. Perhaps why parts of the final were challenging.

Tutor – Jeremy Wilson 9/10. Great tutor, went into a few interesting concepts beyond the syllabus. Also, showed up 10 minutes late and finished 10 minutes early so what’s not to love.

Overall 8/10. I hear this course is more similar to the rest of a finance major than 1612. Its more mathametical and problem solving oriented, so it makes finance (which is otherwise a soul crushing discipline concerned with pretty boring things) tolerable.

Ease 6/10 pre final, 8.5/10 final. The mid term quizzes were hard, but not really in the sense that they stretched your understanding. They were tested stupidly, all multiple choice questions that were asked in ridiculous formats such as: “Here are 6 statements… A) 5 are correct, one is incorrect B) 4 are correct, 2 are incorrect etc”. All the statements were half right. Also, questions on conceptually simple ideas such as bond pricing were made harder (more ‘practical’) by making you count the days between May 20 and Sept 1, for example. Final was pretty much exactly what the tutors said would be on it.

Content 3/10. Some half-interesting stuff, mostly dead boring, all disorganized and with no real unifying thread. Random bits of finance thrown together to make a course.

Lecturers. Natalie Oh 7/10 – has the strict teacher/stripper vibe going. Knows her stuff but gut stuck teaching the worst topics.
Wallace Fan 1/10 – monotonic and boring. Also, had the annoying habit of taking the ethi s part of the course seriously.
Jason Zein 8/10. Good lecturer. I would hate him less if he didn’t preside over this monstrosity of a course.

Tutor Jamie Dang 8/10. Nice guy, knows his stuff, but adds to the general vibe of the course as this mass-produced, incoherent mass. Basically told us what was in the final so that was good.

Overall 1/10. Whilst the last few weeks were a bit better (Options, Futures etc) perhaps because they were less ‘qualitative’, this is generally the most depressing course to get through. Marks are attainable, but the course is just so all over the place that understanding and effort (where possible) might not be rewarded. Again, if you are one of those hucksters with a picture of Jamie Dimon in your bedroom, you will like it because of how you have always wanted to understand the market or some shit. Anyone who does this course and still wants to do a finance major is doing it for the wrong reasons. Since no one can like memorising a list of the funding sources for commercial banks, you have just convinced yourself you like finance whereas you have probably confused liking the subject with liking the possibility of money you think it brings.

If you defend, like or even tolerate this course, you are the problem.


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
INFS1603: Database design

Ease: (Before I understood everything 6/10, then later 9/10) Conceptually it is rather difficult as mostly everything revolves around drawing database models, which at first can be difficult to grasp due to the large number of elements. Tbh I don't fully understand everything till a week before my final exam. The SQL component which is quite a large topic may be quite difficult but later on much of the coding becomes quite logical. Normalisation can be quite hard. The assignments are quite nice, not too difficult if you have a decent group. The final exam hype was really anticlimatic compared to practice exam questions which were really complex, so that was good. I think I did quite well.

Content: (7/10) First couple of weeks its boring. Modelling boring. SQL is quite fun (btw, your tutorials are computer lab lessons which is all SQL). Normalisation is quite fun as well, LOL, by the end i found their tricky nature satisfying to get out.

Lecturer: (Daniel - 5/10) Personally I didn't really learn much during the lectures, ended up skipping half of em. Lecture slides weren't that great. But there were exercises to do and some solutions so this was good. Honestly it was so boring during the lectures, was on my mac the whole time to kill time.

Tutor: (8/10) Really nice guy, explained SQL well, tutes were great to be in, quite chilled, not strict.

Overall: (7/10) Expecting D (upper) or HD (lower)


Mar 6, 2012
Ease: 6/10 Was alright. Actually got a bit tricky halfway, but management accounting was okay. Got reckted in this subject.
Content: 2/10 Did not enjoy at all. Will not continue onto Accounting 1B. Perdisco was a complete nightmare and hate how the online quizzes were worth 5%. But overall, accounting course was pretty organised.
Lecturer: Youngdeok (TBH- probably the best of 3, so 8/10. Actually understood the content that was being taught and sik lecturer
Wei... 3/10. Couldn't understand her, was too loud and left halfway through her lectures
Jeffrey: 7/10 alright guy. Tried to make lectures more interactive by involving students. Mediocre music taste/10
Tutor: Couldn't understand her at all, but she gave me a good tutorial mark so, 7/10

eASE: 7/10 Actually loved this course, but still got rekted in the final
Content: 8/10- Thought it was interesting, so will be continuing onto do macro
Lecturer: 10/10 Alberto is an absolute legend. Enough said
Tutor: Explained the concepts well 8/10

Content: Content very wishy washy and philosophical. At times were a bit deep..
Lecturer: Scott- Goes off a tangent too much. Tries to involve students in discussion --> no one contributes..
Tutor: Kyle- alright dude, very chill 8/10

Ease: 8/10
Content: 9/10 Okay. Tutors get OCD about the smallest punctuation/ grammar mistakes\
Lecturer: stopped going after week5. But you have guest lecturers every week
Tutor: Was too sassy at times, so 6.5/10
Oct 4, 2012

Ease: 7/10 - I found that the content did require constant attention to stay on top of, but it all compounds on previous weeks so it was fairly logical especially when you look back over the big picture.

Content: 8/10 - I found the subject pretty interesting, which is good considering how important it is in commerce :)

- Youngdeok - 5/10 - Wasn't a huge fan. Hard to understand and very quiet.
- Wei - 7/10 - Put in a good effort but could have explained more.
- Jeffrey - 8/10 - Really engaging and gave fantastic explanations.

Tutor - 8/10 - Don't know her name but she was pretty nice although didn't that much explaining.


Ease - 9/10 - You really need to look over the textbook to understand exactly what's happening but once you do it's hilariously easy.

Content - 10/10 - Very engaging. My favourite subject.

Lecturer - INFINITY AND BEYOND/10 - ALBERTO MOTTA AKA THE LECTURER GOD. Hilarious and a fantastic lecturer!

Tutor - 4/10 - Meh.


Ease: 8/10 - Before the final exam I thought it was much harder because I got the impression that we needed to learn the content back to front from the textbook, but we didn't.

Content: 1/10 - This is a joke of a subject. They spend 3 pages explaining something they could state in a sentence and insist on throwing in technical jargon and a million acronyms as though they believe what they're writing is a real textbook. Hated this subject.

Lecturer: 0/10 - Eric's slides were written by children. They had maybe 5% relevant information and the rest was just stupid pictures and videos. Don't waste your time with his lecturers guys except the last one where he basically tells you what's in the exam. Just hit the textbook, which admittedly isn't much better.

Tutor - 1/10 - It's such a joke subject that Jill was forced to just put us in groups to discuss the most ridiculous scenarios. The only advice for this is that a lot of the exam is based on tutorial work so revise it.


Ease - [Courtesy of obliviousninja] - (Before I understood everything 6/10, then later 9/10) Conceptually it is rather difficult as mostly everything revolves around drawing database models, which at first can be difficult to grasp due to the large number of elements. Tbh I don't fully understand everything till a week before my final exam.

Content - 3/10 - Conceptually it wasn't a total bore but this subject has put me off info systems forever.

Lecturer - 7/10 - I actually thought he alright. Easy to understand, very engaging and used lots of examples and practice questions (although the exam was incredibly underwhelming and nowhere near as technical as expected).

Tutor - 5/10 - It wasn't for his lack of trying but I felt he could have explained SQL (code stuff) a bit better instead of just saying "this does this, accept this as gospel" without much of an explanation. Mainly used the pdf to learn SQL.


New Member
Jun 9, 2012
Econ1202 Quantitative Analysis
Ease:6/10 Conceptually not very difficult (I’m just not very mathsy and the course was structured and taught very badly but if you were good at 3u you should be fine)
Content: 6/10 Just boring calculus/probability and a few new concepts
Lecturer: Scott- Indian lady 7/10 monotonic but in comparison to Asian lady shes pretty good. Asian lady 2/10 so boring, kept on saying the course was easy when half the class didnt understand her.
Tutor: Armani- 8/10 nice lady, answered all queries
Overall: 7/10 HW was hard, class quiz were easy and finals were in between. Run very badly but conceptually not difficult.

Econ 1101- Microeconomics
Ease:9/10 taught well, structured well except for the writing task which weighted 20% but contained only 3 questions (high margin of error)
Content: 9/10 very interesting concepts and although interrelated were not repetitive at all
Lecturer: 8.5/10 Dianne- sometimes confused herself, but overall presented well and had no accent (in comparison with all my other lecturers)
Tutor: Ben 7/10 overly chilled, sometimes gave wrong answers for tute qs but I didnt really need him to help anyways.
Overall: Best preq subject by far

Acct 1501: Accounting and Financial mgmt 1A
Ease: 8/10 Really confusing during the middle half of the semester but first and last quarter were fairly easy. As a tip try to get full marks for all the online quizzes its easy marks. Got 25/40 for midsem but full marks for the online, and found the finals to be ok, got 82 in the end.
Content: 7/10 Making a balance sheet and management accounting during the last 3 weeks were interesting but lecturers and textbook were boring.
Lecturer: Yondok- 3/10 heavy accent didnt know what he was saying. Wei- 4/10 a little better but was sick of accents so didnt go to most of her lecturers. Jeffry- 8/10 a bit random and probably gets a boost cause the other lecturers were so shit.
Tutor: Susan Bai- 9/10 explained things well, knew her stuff, was fair in grading just a tad fast when going through HW.

Fin1613: Business Finance
Ease: 7/10 The first few questions of each class quiz were easy but last 2 (out of 6) were a lot harder. But lecturer scales every quiz up. Finals were very difficult- the first half was very very easy and last 10 question (out of 35ish) were very very hard. I know 3 people who got 80+ (overall so it might not be accurate reflection of their performance in the finals) but guessed most of the last 10. Multis for all assessments so thats a plus.
Content: 7/10 calculating cashflows, but it’s fairly practical (without being too in-depth) so if you like finance it would be interesting. However this course made me rethink if i really would like to pursue a career in finance so yeah.
Lecturer: Rob 10/10 best head lecturer. Really smart guy but understands where wtudent might have trouble so goes through some concepts more slowly. Tries to make his lecturers interesting and scales marks up so everything 10/10. Two asian guys after 4/10 and 2/10 both have accent and were monotonic, 2nd guy more so than the other.
Tutor: Jeremy 8/10 chilled guy, knew his stuff but came 10mins late and finished 10 mins early so a bit rushed. Didn’t feel he was committed, but if you ask him he will anwser your questions and knows his stuff.
Overall: Good course structure but difficulty is kinda in the air.


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad

Ease: (10/10) chill 4 dayz, 2 contact hours, no need to do seminar hw coz theres answers everywhere. No mid sems. No assessments. I ended up with 100% internal mark.

Then comes. Finals. (6/10)

Yep, this is where you will get rektd for not studying.

Generally everyone who gets really high marks internally, and then only end up with a C after the finals.

Content: (5/10) Generally easy, nothing that interesting. But of course if you didn't do any work like 95% of the cohort, you will struggle to understand and days before finals, you will be r0ting.

Lecturer/Tutor - (6/10) was pretty chilled didnt really learn much tho


gg no re
Aug 3, 2014
MATH1241 - 9/10 was an alright course
PHYS1131 - 9/10 easy doing it 2nd time around
MINE1010 - 1/10 needed an elective, boring
ENGG1400 - 1/10 needed an elective very boring, not a good course


Active Member
Sep 10, 2012
ENGG1000 - depends on project you choose. I did civil bridge which is very easy do well; but extremely difficult to HD. (It takes no effort to get 80, getting an 86 is another story). Overall you don't really learn much and it's quite lacklustre. It's only 'fun' because you're with a group the whole semester. 4/10.

MATH1131 - If you have Chris Tisdell it's a 9.5/10 for whatever component of the course he lectures. Otherwise 8/10

PHYS1131 - Hard, but very satisfying when you get stuff right. The discovery process of how physical processes work during problem solving is awesome. 9/10.

MATH1231 - Calculus is a 9/10. 10/10 if you have Tisdell. Algebra component is a 4/10 because of how abstract it was. (sorry, hated this)

MMAN1300 - 6.5/10, was sorely mistaken when I thought this would be PHYS again. Problems aren't deep like in physics, they're just annoyingly difficult.

CHEM1011 - 9.5/10. Interesting on how it gives legitimately explanations of things you dealt with in HSC Chemistry.


Kosovo is Serbian
May 6, 2014
Uni Grad
ENGG1000 - depends on project you choose. I did civil bridge which is very easy do well; but extremely difficult to HD. (It takes no effort to get 80, getting an 86 is another story). Overall you don't really learn much and it's quite lacklustre. It's only 'fun' because you're with a group the whole semester. 4/10.

MATH1131 - If you have Chris Tisdell it's a 9.5/10 for whatever component of the course he lectures. Otherwise 8/10

PHYS1131 - Hard, but very satisfying when you get stuff right. The discovery process of how physical processes work during problem solving is awesome. 9/10.

MATH1231 - Calculus is a 9/10. 10/10 if you have Tisdell. Algebra component is a 4/10 because of how abstract it was. (sorry, hated this)

MMAN1300 - 6.5/10, was sorely mistaken when I thought this would be PHYS again. Problems aren't deep like in physics, they're just annoyingly difficult.

CHEM1011 - 9.5/10. Interesting on how it gives legitimately explanations of things you dealt with in HSC Chemistry.
tisdell/brown/pahor the 3 gods of maths


Mar 6, 2012
Ease: 6/10- (Got completely mislead by micro. Thought that if micro was relatively easy, macro would be the same. But i was so wrong. They mark pretty harsh with the hand-ins (but i guess that's mostly because i put a half-ass effort into them). After finals, 3/10
Content:5/10- Like HSC economics, but you're building up on it. Was a bit confusing at the start when trying to understand the PAE, but everything else from that point onwards is theory again which is alright
Lecturer:6/10- Had that lady and she wasn't too bad. Went to that Gonzalez guy's lecture this one time i skipped the lecture i normally attend, and walked out with my friend within 10minutes (4/10 for that guy)..
Tutor: (3/10)- Had a guy called Jatun or whatever his name. He cannot explain concepts properly & possibly makes it even more confusing to understand than if you had chosen not to ask in the first place

Ease: 7/10 (Contrary to popular belief, this subject was alright tbh). After finals, maybe 6/10- the level of BS in the 2nd section of the paper was too damn high
Content: 7/10- The only worthwhile thing i found interesting was the topic about information security.
Lecturer: 4/10 - From week4 onwards, stopped going to lecturers. You have guest lecturers occasionally and I personally recommend going to Patrick Hung's lecture on info security (Westpac). It was pretty interesting IMO.
Tutor: 7/10- Jill's aight. This tute is definitely much more interactive than most of the other comm subjects and it really does give you a chance for you to talk to the other students in your class and get to know them


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
MATH1241 - 9/10 was an alright course
PHYS1131 - 9/10 easy doing it 2nd time around
MINE1010 - 1/10 needed an elective, boring
ENGG1400 - 1/10 needed an elective very boring, not a good course
you didn't do jack shit m8

Anyways my quick review

ENGG1811 (6-7/10) - Personally i'm bad at programming, the first half of the course is a bit of a bludge as it involves stuff with excel, but then the other contents like VBA and MAtlab are pretty hard, and you could get screwed if you don't practice, and if you suck at programming, the assignments will be a pain.However the finals wasn't too bad.

Lecturer - ChunTung Chou(6/10), his accent is a bit off sometimes but he knows his stuff well, although it gets boring at times.

lab tutor - Randell Grant 8/10 , god dayum he's a handsome dude, but yeah he teaches the concept well, and gives me some pity lab marks :D

MATH1241 - Calculus (8/10) - decent lecturer(Steele), good examples, i found it interesting and enjoyed the problem solving involved.
Algebra (5/10) asian lecturer (jie du) he knows his stuff and makes good references with the previous courses, although he makes funny pronunciation like "delivative", lecture notes are so bad(almost no examples), theory looks crap and abstract and boring.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
you didn't do jack shit m8

Anyways my quick review

ENGG1811 (6-7/10) - Personally i'm bad at programming, the first half of the course is a bit of a bludge as it involves stuff with excel, but then the other contents like VBA and MAtlab are pretty hard, and you could get screwed if you don't practice, and if you suck at programming, the assignments will be a pain.However the finals wasn't too bad.

Lecturer - ChunTung Chou(6/10), his accent is a bit off sometimes but he knows his stuff well, although it gets boring at times.

lab tutor - Randell Grant 8/10 , god dayum he's a handsome dude, but yeah he teaches the concept well, and gives me some pity lab marks :D

MATH1241 - Calculus (8/10) - decent lecturer(Steele), good examples, i found it interesting and enjoyed the problem solving involved.
Algebra (5/10) asian lecturer (jie du) he knows his stuff and makes good references with the previous courses, although he makes funny pronunciation like "delivative", lecture notes are so bad(almost no examples), theory looks crap and abstract and boring.
Chem1011 - content was nice, , notes were nice, steve colban was awesome with a decent sense of humour and his notes are well structured

the best part was that i got a cute lab demonstrator, ended up taking a selfie with her YEAHHH


gg no re
Aug 3, 2014
you didn't do jack shit m8
can confirm you don't need to go to lectures

I went to like maybe 5 the whole semester

Chem1011 - content was nice, , notes were nice, steve colban was awesome with a decent sense of humour and his notes are well structured

the best part was that i got a cute lab demonstrator, ended up taking a selfie with her YEAHHH

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