here is my practical next week and i know nothing at all
plz help me what should i know
outcomes to be assessed
design and trial a procedure to undertake an investigation
identify and set up the most appropriate equipment needed to undertake the investigation.<O</O
efficiently undertake the planned procedure to minimise hazards and wastage of resources<O</O
disspose carefully and safely of any waste materials during an investigation<O</O
identify and use safe work practices during the investigation
Measure, observe and record results in accessible and recognisable forms, carrying out repeat trials as appropriate.<O</O
draw appropriate graphs to convey information and relationships clearly and accurately<O</O
justify inferences and conclusions<O</O
predict outcomes and general plausible explanations related to the observations<O</O
plz help me what should i know
outcomes to be assessed
design and trial a procedure to undertake an investigation
identify and set up the most appropriate equipment needed to undertake the investigation.<O</O
efficiently undertake the planned procedure to minimise hazards and wastage of resources<O</O
disspose carefully and safely of any waste materials during an investigation<O</O
identify and use safe work practices during the investigation
Measure, observe and record results in accessible and recognisable forms, carrying out repeat trials as appropriate.<O</O
draw appropriate graphs to convey information and relationships clearly and accurately<O</O
justify inferences and conclusions<O</O
predict outcomes and general plausible explanations related to the observations<O</O