serge said:
ive been hearing about all these weird stories that the usyd cut-offs arent really cut-offs...
for example that the 'cut-off' mark they show is an average of the people in that course, so even if you dont get the mark, if you get close to that mark you can get in...
is that true?
The "cut off" rank for any round of offers is the
lowest UAI of a person to whom an offer was made in
that round.
If the HECS/Comm Supported main round cut off is stated at, say, 99.6, then that means, of all the people to whom an offer was made in the main round, the person with the lowest UAI had a UAI of 99.6
The main round cut off is not the only cut off, it is merely the one that receives most attention because the main round is the round in which the vast majority of students receive their offers. There are also cut offs for
* Main round full fee
* Late round HECS/Comm. Supported
* Late round full fee
* Final round HECS/Comm. Supported
* Final round full fee
These other cut offs may be higher or lower than the main round HECS/Comm Supported cut off.
Furthermore, you must remember that there are some students who receive offers under special schemes, such as flexible entry.
So, in answer to your question, there is a greater range of UAIs than the published main round HECS/Comm Supp cut off would suggest. However, the majority of students did receive UAIs higher than 99.6.
If your UAI does not fall above the main round HECS/CSP cut off, you may still get in another way, such as a different offer round (but sometimes these later rounds can see higher cut offs for law), through the full-fee option or under a flexible entry scheme.