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Sep 25, 2018
Uni Grad
WIP: This thread will be updated throughout the year documenting my experiences with University of Sydney's Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) [BAppSc (DR)] course.

Units of Study brief outlines will be linked here as a reply to this thread: CLICK HERE

Last Updated: Not Bothered to keep updating this date lol

Admissions Into the Course 2020-21 Statistics
According to UAC, the Lowest Selection Ranks for BAppSc (DR) [Course Code: 513620] were the following:
Yes... It is high but if you don't get into University of Sydney, there are alternatives at other universities including University of Newcastle's Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Diagnostic Radiography), Charles Sturt University's Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Diagnostic Radiography), Queensland University of Technology's Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Honours) and University of Canberra's Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging).

Accepting the Offer & Enrolling
Accepting the offer was a piece of cake. Fairly self explanatory. You will be provided with an email telling you how to accept your offer. It will also let you know how you can log back into Sydney Student.

Once you have confirmed your place (i.e. Accepted your offer), you will then receive an email a few hours later letting you know that enrollment is open. This email will have instructions on how to find where to enrol into the course. Make sure you have your Unique Student Identifier (USI) and Tax File Number (TFN) on hand ready to input into the online form. Personally, everything was extremely smooth. The only place I felt I had slight trouble with was selecting my units (because well... I didn't know what I was doing 😅😅😅). My advice at this stage would be to look at the Diagnostic Radiography Handbook (Link: Diagnostic Radiography Handbook Link) and enrol for the units accordingly to those that are outlined in the Year 1 section (both Semester 1 and 2). In my case the following units were shown on my handbook and so I chose these units.

Figure 1: Handbook for Year 1.


Figure 2: Units selected during enrollment.


Other than this, you'll find enrollment a piece of cake.

Allocating Preferences on Sydney Timetable [Semester 1 ONLY]
Oh boy... allocating preferences was not fun. The fact that you have to choose from a range of options made my head hurt so much (especially selecting for HSBH1003). I mean look at Figure 3. I did not sign up for 10 million options being thrown at me if I'm being honest 😅.

Figure 3: HSBH1003 Preferences.


Apart from being given a range of times for allocating preferences via Sydney Timetable, I later found that my preferences for MRTY1031 decided to change back to unallocated because USYD Admin thought it was a better idea to just arrange 4 "Sections" (Combos of Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals) instead of separating Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals. Although it was slightly inconvenient due to the fact that I had to go back to assign my new preferences, it did help with preferencing as I could actually see the schedule for this particular unit when put together into a "section".

Figure 4: Preferencing Sections for MRTY1031.


Provisional Timetables Allocated [Semester 1]
Finally got my preliminary timetable for Semester 1! Looking at Figure 5, you can probably see the 5 overlaps on one day. Don't be too concerned if you see that. You can check that these aren't "timetable clashes" by viewing by week (Select "Current Week" then just skip through each week making sure there aren't overlaps in activities) OR checking the dates (i.e. clicking on each individual activity) of these specific lectures/tutorials/practicals.

If there are overlaps on the same day, you should have a time period where you can review and adjust your timetable to sort out these "timetable clashes".

Figure 5. Provisional Timetable viewed in "All Weeks"


Online Orientation Day
Online orientation had the following schedule.

Figure 6. Schedule for Orientation Day Online


Essentially, it involved warm welcomes from important people from the Faculty and a panel of Allied Health Professors talking about each allied health degree offered at the University of Sydney and how "Allied health saves the world". It also covered information about the Diagnostic Radiography course and answered many of the cohort's queries about the course. When you get the opportunity to ask questions, please do ask them. "There are no stupid questions, only people" - Mana (medstudentsonline Administrator)

Susan Wakil Health Building Tour [Diagnostic Radiography]
  • The tour involved a welcome, some complimentary food and drinks and then the actual tour of the Susan Wakil Health Building.
    CreativeSpace - Showing us the available technology available on campus such as the Design Hub computers (Adobe Stuff), Video Studio (Teleprompter + Camera + Screen) and an Audio Studio (Podcast type room). There are also 3D Printers and VR technology available for use to the University of Sydney Health Science Students.
  • Visited the Medical Imaging Suites which had phantoms and 4 X-Ray rooms, 1 Ultrasound room, 1 CT Scanner and 2 dummy X-Ray Machines.
  • Visited simulation rooms such as ones with creepy looking mannequins in "hospital beds", a room much like someone's home for Occupational Therapy and a room simulating the Physiotherapist's clinic.
  • Susan Wakil Health Building Library. Self-explanatory.

That's all that has happened so far. I'll be updating this thread regularly so keep an eye out. :lol:
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Sep 25, 2018
Uni Grad
Semester 1 Units of Study
BIOS1155 - Structure, Function and Disease A

Understanding the normal structure of the human body and how the different body systems interact with each other is fundamental to our understanding of health and disease. This unit of study is designed to give you an overview of the anatomy (structure), physiology (function) and pathophysiology (disease) of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems relevant for professional practice. The basic concepts of pharmacology will also be introduced to enable you to understand the action of drugs on each of the body systems.

You will learn about the following:
  • Introduction to anatomy (Week 1)
    Nothing too fancy. Just some things about anatomical planes, the anatomical position, reading X-Ray Images and CT Scans, different body movements and how cadavers are created etc.
  • Musculoskeletal anatomy (Weeks 2-4)
    Stuff involving bones, muscles, ligaments, arteries and veins.
    • Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Upper Limb. - Essentially the bones, muscles, arteries, veins & ligaments from the shoulder girdle to the end of the digits
  • Musculoskeletal pathophysiology (Weeks 4-6)
    • Formation of Bone
    • Hormones
    • Different types of fractures
    • Tumours
    • and more...
  • Respiratory system (Weeks 7-9)
    • Anatomy of the Respiratory System
    • Chest X-Ray
    • Pleural Membranes & Pleural Linkage
    • Mechanics of Ventilation
    • Measurement of Ventilation
    • V-Q Matching
    • Gas Diffusion & Transport
    • Control of Ventilation
  • Cardiovascular system (Weeks 10-12)
    • Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System
    • Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
  • Principles of Pharmacology (Week 13)
    • Pharmacokinetics
      • Absorption
      • Distribution
      • Biotransformation/Metabolism
      • Elimination
    • Effects of Drugs
      • Synergism
      • Receptors
    • Reactions/Responses
    • Examples including contrast media
    • Drug Schedules
    • Common Prescription Abbreviations
  • Upper Limb Quiz (10%)- 10 Multiple Choice Quiz. 1 Attempt. 15 Minutes.
    • A portion of Week 1-4 Content
  • Mid Semester Exam (40%) - 42 Multiple Choice + Short Answer Questions (8 Marks). 1 Attempt. 1 Hour.
    • Week 1 -6 Content
  • End of Semester Exam (50%)- 75 Multiple Choice + Short Answer Questions (10 Marks). 1 Attempt. 1 Hour 40 Minutes (100 Minutes)
    • Week 7-13 Content
BIOS1167 - Foundations of Biomedical Science
This unit of study has been designed to cover the basics of biochemistry and cellular physiology and to provide a fundamental understanding of how the building blocks of our human body enable it to function. It will provide a strong foundation that will support your clinical experiences.
In this unit, we will answer such questions as: What are we made of? How do cells divide? How do cells transmit genetic material from parent to offspring and how are specific traits developed? What is the basis of cell communication? How do our cells obtain the energy that is needed for our bodies to function? How are we able to control internal conditions (eg body temperature, blood pressure) in order for the body to function normally? What are the impacts of ageing on body function?

You will learn about the following:
  • Key Concepts of Body Chemistry (Week 1)
    • This is mostly a recap of Chemistry in High School. If you have done Chemistry in High School, you'll be familiar with everything here.
  • Building Blocks of the Human Body (Week 1-3)
    Pretty self-explanatory on what the following are.
    • Water and Carbon Chemistry
    • Solubility
    • Lipids
    • Carbohydrates
    • Proteins
    • Nucleic Acid
  • Cell Structure and Function (Week 3)
    • The Cell - Structure and Function
  • Cell Membrane Transport (Week 4)
    • Mechanisms that allow Ions and Molecules to Cross Plasma Membrane
    • Basic Structure and Role of Membranes
  • Principles of Inheritance (Week 6)
    • Alleles, Punnet Squares etc.
    • Examples such as Trisomy - 21 etc.
    • Mitosis & Meiosis
    • And more...
  • Growth and Development (Week 8)
    • The stages of pregnancy
    • Factors that affect pregnancies
    • Birth Defects
    • Stuff involving Embryology
    • Development of babies
    • And more...
  • Energy and Metabolism (Week 9-10)
    • Le Chatelier's Principle
    • Anabolic and Catabolic Reactions
    • Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain
  • Communication (a focus on the Cell) (10-11)
    • Communication Systems of the Body
    • How messages are sent by the body
      • Hormones (between distant cells)
      • Neurotransmitters (between adjacent cells)
      • Gap Junctions (by direct contact)
  • Homeostasis and Control Systems (Week 11)
    • Basic Homeostatic Systems
    • Feedback Systems & Examples of Each
      • Positive Feedback
      • Negative Feedback
      • Feedforward
  • The Impacts of Ageing (Week 12)
    • Theories of Ageing
      • Genetic
        • Ageing is programmed.
      • Wear and Tear
        • Damage occurs by chance and accumulates over time.
  • Mastery Quizzes (10%) - 5 Sets of 15 Multiple Choice Questions. Unlimited Attempts during the time the quizzes are open. 20 Minutes Each.
    • Released at certain times for a limited amount of time.
  • Mid Semester Exam (30%) - 40 Multiple Choice. 1 Attempt. 50 Minutes.
    • The top 4 dot points listed above
  • End of Semester Exam (60%)- 75 Multiple Choice. 1 Attempt. 1 Hour 40 Minutes (100 Minutes)
    • The 5th dot point onwards.
HSBH1003 - Health, Behaviour and Society
This unit is an introduction to both psychology and the study of society and health and is an important component of your professional degrees. The unit provides an introduction to tools which will be useful for understanding and practicing in health and wellbeing, by helping you to understand the lives of those people you will help through your work.
The unit provides an introduction to society and health and psychology as they pertain to the areas you will work in. The unit aims for you to understand how society impacts the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. You will also gain familiarity with the major paradigms and methodological approaches of contemporary psychology and you will learn how to apply psychological theory to specific health issues in your major area of study.

You will learn about the following:
  • Sociology (Week 1-6)
    • Introduction to the psychology and society and health modules (Week 1)
    • Social determinants of health and mental health (Week 2)
    • Ethnicity and health in Australia (Week 4)
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Week 5)
    • Global Health and inequality (Week 6)
  • Psychology (Week 7-12)
    • Cognitive Psychology (Week 7)
    • Health Psychology (Week 8)
    • Biological psychology (Week 9)
    • Psychology of Learning (Week 9)
    • Social psychology (Week 10)
    • Abnormal psychology (Week 11)
    • Developmental psychology (Week 12)
  • Sociology Portfolio Assignment (20%)
    • Section I
      • Defining Key Sociological Terms
    • Section II
      • Short Answer Questions
  • Psychology Group Presentation (20%)
  • Pre-Lecture Quizzes (10%) - A few Short Answer Questions. Unlimited Time. Due Before Lectures.
    • Based on Readings.
  • End of Semester Exam (50%)- 50 Multiple Choice. 1 Attempt. 2 Hours 10 Minutes (130 Minutes)
    • Sociology
      • 25 Multiple Choice Questions
    • Psychology
      • 25 Multiple Choice Questions
MRTY1031 - Medical Radiation Physics
(According to the Unit Coordinator and past students, it is the hardest unit of study in the entire degree LOL)

This unit is specifically intended for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Science (MRS) Diagnostic Radiography. It provides a basic knowledge and understanding of concepts in physics relevant to the use of ionising radiation in medicine - specifically X-rays. It presents an examination of the structure of matter, types of ionising radiation and their interactions with matter, all within the context of medical imaging and therapy.

You will learn about the following:
  • Where do X-rays come from? (Week 1-7)
    • Introduction & Basic Physical Concepts (Week 1)
    • Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation (Week 2)
    • Light, Spectral Lines and Atomic Structure (Week 3)
    • Better Atomic Models and Making X-rays (Week 4)
    • Forces on Charges (Week 6)
    • Magnetism, Currents and Electric Power (Week 7)
  • X-Rays - From the tube to the body (Week 8-10)
    • Production of X-rays (Week 8)
    • X-ray Attenuation (Week 9)
    • Attenuation and Dose (Week 10)
  • X-ray Imaging (Week 11-13)
    • Image Capture (Week 11)
    • Image Quality (Week 12)
    • Producing a Radiograph (Week 13)
  • Assignment 1 (10%)
    • Short Answer Questions
  • Mid Semester Exam (20%)
    • 1st dot point listed
  • Assignment 2 (10%)
    • Short Answer Questions
  • End of Semester Exam (60%)- 50 Multiple Choice. 1 Attempt. 2 Hours 10 Minutes (130 Minutes)
    • All course content
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Sep 25, 2018
Uni Grad
Hello, I really want to do diagnostic radiation but there’s no way I’ll get in straight after high school (unless I’m lucky enough to get selected for the e12 scheme). What do you recommend me to do that is similar to diagnostic radiation so I can transfer after a year and would of done some of the units already?
Hello! I would recommend you look into other universities for an equivalent qualification before considering transferring during university. See the link to another thread below.

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Sep 25, 2018
Uni Grad
Semester 1 Reflection and Thoughts
I'm gonna do a reflection and give my thoughts on the units taken. Hopefully, this will be helpful to some of you out there.

BIOS1155 - Structure, Function and Disease A
I really like this unit. It is the main anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology unit that involves having lectures, anatomy wet labs, and workshops/tutorials to really solidify the things taught in the unit. The unit coordinator and lecturers are all really nice. They try to assist you as much as possible and want everyone to pass the unit given the content covered. Next semester, it will move onto different content as BIOS1158 - Structure, Function and Disease B. Overall, you won't be disappointed. :p

BIOS1167 - Foundations of Biomedical Science
This unit is quite content-heavy. If you have done biology and chemistry in high school, you should find that some of the content will be overlapping with what you have already done. I found the tutorials very awkward as no one really spoke in them. The unit coordinator is quite the character hahaha. He might seem strict but it's more like strict in that he wants us to do well (man also make some uhh... concerning depressing jokes... but uhhh... yeah...). The other staff involved are all really nice :). All in all, you will either find this unit really boring or really interesting.

HSBH1003 - Health, Behaviour and Society
This unit is quite chill however extremely dry. This is basically your sociology and psychology unit. I found the unit to be lacking substance in terms of what they could be potentially teaching (especially the sociology portion of the course). The psychology portion was slightly better however the tutorials for this portion were pretty boring (listening to other people's presentations on things that aren't going to be covered in the final exam). The unit coordinators and staff are really nice (yet again). In summary, you may find this unit interesting but most likely find it dry asf.

MRTY1031 - Medical Radiation Physics
Ahhhh yes... what is known as the hardest unit in the whole 4-year degree... (it actually isn't too bad but that's probably because I have some sort of background in physics, nonetheless, I digress). This is basically the physics involved in producing X-rays and the parameters that may affect the images and the X-rays produced. This unit was fairly decent. If you have done physics in high school, the first topic of the course should be a breeze. If you haven't done physics in the past, they do recommend you to take a bridging course, however, from what I have seen, I don't think it is necessary (unless you are really not comfortable with physics at all). The unit coordinator is really nice however when he and the other lecturer uhhh... do their lectures... it is very boring to say the least 😅. To sum up, the unit is fairly interesting but expect to be drowned in boredom when you listen to the lectures!


Sep 25, 2018
Uni Grad
Semester 2 Units of Study
BIOS1158 - Structure, Function and Disease B (Continuation from BIOS1155)

This unit of study aims to provide an understanding of: the normal anatomy (traditional and sectional) and physiology of the neuro-endocrine, gastrointestinal, renal and reproductive systems; selected diseases associated with these body systems (because they are either common and thus frequently encountered in practice, or because they provide significant insight into the reaction pattern of an injured organ); the role of microbes in maintaining health and producing disease; essential infection control principles and practices used to prevent transmission of infectious disease in your daily life and in clinical practice; the role of the immune system in responding to trauma, and the prevention of disease, including infectious diseases and cancer; and the role of the immune system in producing disease.

You will learn about the following:
  • Infection Control (Week 1-2)
  • Body Control Systems
    • Endocrine System (Week 2-3)
    • Nervous System (Week 3-6)
  • Abdomen and Pelvis
    • Gastrointestinal System (Week 7, 10)
    • Renal System (Week 8, 11)
    • Reproductive System (Week 9, 12)
  • Immune System (Week 11)
  • Neoplasia (Week 12)

  • Infection Control Assignment (10%)
  • Mid Semester Exam (35%) - 41 Multiple Choice + 2 Short Answer Questions (6 Marks). 1 Attempt. 1 Hour.
    • Body Control Systems
  • End of Semester Exam (55%) - 69 Multiple Choice + 8 Short Answer Questions (27 Marks). 1 Attempt. 2 Hours 10 Minutes (130 Minutes)
    • Abdomen and Pelvis
    • Immune System
    • Neoplasia

MRTY1036 - Health Physics and Radiation Biology (Continuation from MRTY1031)
MRTY1036 is a Junior level unit designed specifically for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Science (MRS) Diagnostic Radiography. It provides a basic knowledge and understanding of concepts in radioactivity and ultrasound, laying the foundation for understanding ultrasonic transducers, cyclotrons and radiation detectors. It also explores the effects of ionising and non-ionising radiation on biological systems, including implications for radiological protection.

You will learn about the following:
  • Where do X-rays come from? (Week 1-6)
    • Ionising Radiation (Week 1)
    • Radioactivity (Week 2)
    • Semiconductors (Week 3)
    • Radiation Detectors (Week 4)
    • Radionuclide Production and Imaging (Week 5)
    • Radionuclides in Medicine (Week 6)
  • Dosimetry, Radiation Protection and Safety (Week 7-10)
    • Dosimetry 1 (Week 7)
    • Dosimetry 2 (Week 8)
    • Radiation Protection and Safety (Week 9)
  • Ultrasound (Week 9-11)
  • Radiation Biology (Week 10-12)
    • (Week 10)
    • (Week 11)
    • (Week 12)
  • Legislation (Week 13)
    • Legislation for Medical Applications of Radiation (Week 13)

  • Assignment 1 (10%)
  • Mid Semester Exam (20%)
    • Week 1-6,7,8 (Forgot which week exactly... oop 😅)
  • Assignment 2 (10%)
  • End of Semester Exam (60%)
    • All course content.

MRTY1037 - Imaging Technology 1
This unit of study is a foundation unit introducing the student to the diagnostic imaging equipment that is commonly employed in the Medical Imaging Department. Students will be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the theory and application of fixed and mobile x-ray equipment, including Computed Radiography and Digital Radiography. Students will be expected to demonstrate ability to evaluate image quality, including exposure factor selection and AEC. The "digital image" will be investigated in terms of spatial and brightness resolution, image manipulation, spatial frequency and storage and display.

You will learn about the following:
  • Introduction to the X-Ray Room (Week 1)
  • Computed Radiography in Practice (Week 2)
    • Examining Digital Radiography Equipment 1 (Week 2)
  • Direct Radiography in Practice (Week 3)
    • Examining Digital Radiography Equipment 2 (Week 3)
  • Exposure Factors (Week 4)
    • Understanding Exposures (Week 4)
  • Radiographic Grids (Week 5)
    • Understanding Grid Faults (Week 5)
  • X-Ray Equipment Faults (Week 6)
  • Image Quality (Week 7)
    • Evaluating Radiographic Image Quality (Week 7)
  • Workflow and PACs (Week 9)
    • Inverse Square Law (Week 9)
  • The Digital Image (Week 10)
  • Digital Image Manipulation (Week 11)
  • Spatial Frequency (Week 12-13)
    • 1D Fourier Transforms (Week 12)
    • 2D Fourier Transforms (Week 13)
  • Practical Reflection Reports (Week 1-5) (15%)
  • Written Assignment - Essay (30%)
  • Practical Reflection Reports (Week 7, 9-13) (15%)
  • End of Semester Exam (40%) - Multiple Choice (30 Marks) + Long Answer Questions (10 Marks). 1 Attempt. 1 Hour 40 Minutes (100 Minutes).
    • All course content

MRTY1038 - Foundations of Work Integrated Learning
This unit of study is a foundation clinical unit in which students will be introduced to the fundamentals of professional practice. It aims to provide the student with the necessary knowledge required to undertake Work Integrated Learning placements. Aspects to be covered include professional communication, professional behaviour and teamwork, work health and safety, ethics and interprofessional practice.

You will learn about the following:
  • Australian Healthcare System and Medical Imaging Services (Week 1)
  • Communication and Medical Terminology Module (Week 1)
  • Communication and Cultural Competence (Week 2-3)
  • Work Health and Safety (Week 3-5)
  • Ethics and AHPRA (Week 5)
  • Chest Radiography (Week 6-12)
    • Radiographic Positioning of the Chest (Week 6)
    • Introduction to Chest Imaging Pathology (Week 7)
    • Geriatric and paediatric Chest Imaging (Week 8)
    • Chest scenarios, pathology and image critique (Week 9)
    • Summary of Chest Radiography (Week 10)
  • Vital Signs and communicating urgent findings (Week 11)
  • Revision and Q&A (Week 12)
  • Mid-Semester Quiz (20%) - 40 Multiple Choice Questions. 1 Attempt. 50 Minutes.
  • Written Communication Assignment (40%)
  • End of Semester Exam (40%) - 4 Short Answer Questions (40 Marks). Allowed to update submission provided that it is within the short release timeframe. 1 Hour 40 Minutes (100 Minutes)


Sep 25, 2018
Uni Grad
Semester 2 Reflection and Thoughts
I'm gonna do a reflection and give my thoughts on the units taken. Hopefully, this will be helpful to some of you out there that are looking for alternatives to medicine/dentistry.

BIOS1158 - Structure, Function and Disease B
This unit follows after BIOS1155 (however is not a prerequisite) and is the main anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology unit that involves having lectures, anatomy wet labs (well... "wet labs" given the remote learning), and workshops/tutorials to really solidify the things taught in the unit. The unit coordinator and lecturers are all really nice. They try to assist you as much as possible and want everyone to pass the unit given the content covered.

MRTY1036 - Health Physics and Radiation Biology
This is basically the main physics unit involving where x-rays come from, dosimetry, radiation protection and safety (including legislation), and radiation biology. This unit was fairly decent much like MRTY1031 from semester 1. If you have done physics in high school, radioactivity and ionising radiation should be a breeze (basically the first two lectures). If you haven't done physics in the past, don't worry. There are no prerequisites to do the unit and from what I have experienced, you shouldn't have any troubles learning the content. Even if you fail MRTY1031 in semester 1, you can still do MRTY1036 in semester 2. The unit coordinator is really nice however when he and the other lecturers uhhh... do their lectures... it is very boring to say the least 😅. To sum up, the unit is fairly interesting but expect to be drowned in boredom when you listen to the lectures!

MRTY1037 - Imaging Technology 1 📸
This unit was not something I particularly enjoyed all too much, but it is definitely relevant to the course itself and will help with future career progressions. An example of this being useful would be the relation between Fourier transformations and MRI technology. The lectures were pretty boring and explained stuff really slowly. The practicals were basically run as tutorials online because of COVID-19 and so it definitely took out (probably) the enjoyable sections of the course. All in all, the staff in the unit are nice and will answer your burning questions however just expect to be drowned by boredom when listening to the lectures.

MRTY1038 - Foundations of Work Integrated Learning
This foundational unit consists of learning about the fundamentals of professional practice which consists of professional communication, behaviour, teamwork, WHS, ethics, and interprofessional practice. The unit definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. The lecture content are very important things to know before the second year of this degree and consist of the material mentioned above. The unit coordinator and staff are all really nice and will help you if you ask them questions. The practicals/tutorials were extremely useful in solidifying the content of the course. It was also required to have your video on 🎦 during these sessions and to contribute in breakout rooms to get the most out of the sessions. In summary, this is an important unit that provides the foundations for your clinical placements starting in the second year of the degree and into your professional career as a radiographer. ☢☠


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers
BIOS1167 - Foundations of Biomedical Science
This unit of study has been designed to cover the basics of biochemistry and cellular physiology and to provide a fundamental understanding of how the building blocks of our human body enable it to function. It will provide a strong foundation that will support your clinical experiences.
In this unit, we will answer such questions as: What are we made of? How do cells divide? How do cells transmit genetic material from parent to offspring and how are specific traits developed? What is the basis of cell communication? How do our cells obtain the energy that is needed for our bodies to function? How are we able to control internal conditions (eg body temperature, blood pressure) in order for the body to function normally? What are the impacts of ageing on body function?

You will learn about the following:
  • Key Concepts of Body Chemistry (Week 1)
    • This is mostly a recap of Chemistry in High School. If you have done Chemistry in High School, you'll be familiar with everything here.
  • Building Blocks of the Human Body (Week 1-3)
    Pretty self-explanatory on what the following are.
    • Water and Carbon Chemistry
    • Solubility
    • Lipids
    • Carbohydrates
    • Proteins
    • Nucleic Acid
  • Cell Structure and Function (Week 3)
    • The Cell - Structure and Function
  • Cell Membrane Transport (Week 4)
    • Mechanisms that allow Ions and Molecules to Cross Plasma Membrane
    • Basic Structure and Role of Membranes
  • Principles of Inheritance (Week 6)
    • Alleles, Punnet Squares etc.
    • Examples such as Trisomy - 21 etc.
    • Mitosis & Meiosis
    • And more...
  • Growth and Development (Week 8)
    • The stages of pregnancy
    • Factors that affect pregnancies
    • Birth Defects
    • Stuff involving Embryology
    • Development of babies
    • And more...
  • Energy and Metabolism (Week 9-10)
    • Le Chatelier's Principle
    • Anabolic and Catabolic Reactions
    • Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain
  • Communication (a focus on the Cell) (10-11)
    • Communication Systems of the Body
    • How messages are sent by the body
      • Hormones (between distant cells)
      • Neurotransmitters (between adjacent cells)
      • Gap Junctions (by direct contact)
  • Homeostasis and Control Systems (Week 11)
    • Basic Homeostatic Systems
    • Feedback Systems & Examples of Each
      • Positive Feedback
      • Negative Feedback
      • Feedforward
  • The Impacts of Ageing (Week 12)
    • Theories of Ageing
      • Genetic
        • Ageing is programmed.
      • Wear and Tear
        • Damage occurs by chance and accumulates over time.
omg punnet squares the only thing ill be confident in with this unit


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers
BIOS1167 - Foundations of Biomedical Science
This unit of study has been designed to cover the basics of biochemistry and cellular physiology and to provide a fundamental understanding of how the building blocks of our human body enable it to function. It will provide a strong foundation that will support your clinical experiences.
In this unit, we will answer such questions as: What are we made of? How do cells divide? How do cells transmit genetic material from parent to offspring and how are specific traits developed? What is the basis of cell communication? How do our cells obtain the energy that is needed for our bodies to function? How are we able to control internal conditions (eg body temperature, blood pressure) in order for the body to function normally? What are the impacts of ageing on body function?

You will learn about the following:
  • Key Concepts of Body Chemistry (Week 1)
    • This is mostly a recap of Chemistry in High School. If you have done Chemistry in High School, you'll be familiar with everything here.
  • Building Blocks of the Human Body (Week 1-3)
    Pretty self-explanatory on what the following are.
    • Water and Carbon Chemistry
    • Solubility
    • Lipids
    • Carbohydrates
    • Proteins
    • Nucleic Acid
  • Cell Structure and Function (Week 3)
    • The Cell - Structure and Function
  • Cell Membrane Transport (Week 4)
    • Mechanisms that allow Ions and Molecules to Cross Plasma Membrane
    • Basic Structure and Role of Membranes
  • Principles of Inheritance (Week 6)
    • Alleles, Punnet Squares etc.
    • Examples such as Trisomy - 21 etc.
    • Mitosis & Meiosis
    • And more...
  • Growth and Development (Week 8)
    • The stages of pregnancy
    • Factors that affect pregnancies
    • Birth Defects
    • Stuff involving Embryology
    • Development of babies
    • And more...
  • Energy and Metabolism (Week 9-10)
    • Le Chatelier's Principle
    • Anabolic and Catabolic Reactions
    • Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain
  • Communication (a focus on the Cell) (10-11)
    • Communication Systems of the Body
    • How messages are sent by the body
      • Hormones (between distant cells)
      • Neurotransmitters (between adjacent cells)
      • Gap Junctions (by direct contact)
  • Homeostasis and Control Systems (Week 11)
    • Basic Homeostatic Systems
    • Feedback Systems & Examples of Each
      • Positive Feedback
      • Negative Feedback
      • Feedforward
  • The Impacts of Ageing (Week 12)
    • Theories of Ageing
      • Genetic
        • Ageing is programmed.
      • Wear and Tear
        • Damage occurs by chance and accumulates over time.
  • Mastery Quizzes (10%) - 5 Sets of 15 Multiple Choice Questions. Unlimited Attempts during the time the quizzes are open. 20 Minutes Each.
    • Released at certain times for a limited amount of time.
  • Mid Semester Exam (30%) - 40 Multiple Choice. 1 Attempt. 50 Minutes.
    • The top 4 dot points listed above
  • End of Semester Exam (60%)- 75 Multiple Choice. 1 Attempt. 1 Hour 40 Minutes (100 Minutes)
    • The 5th dot point onwards.
how to not fall asleep in this class plz i need help asap

also why is it just week 1 and im already behind 💔


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers
it can act as a justified deterrent to other prospective students of the degree an insightful way to help other students navigate and understand the degree better!
no stop im kinda behind u know yesterday i thought i walked into the wrong class coz the teacher was saying random crap but nah it was my class like im so lost so im spending my lovely weekends catching up

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