Utegate - sympathy for Turnbull (1 Viewer)


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
We love Kevin because unlike Howard and his cowtowing to big business and namby pamby bible bashers Kevin is a conviction politician. He's not afraid to take the tough decisions, like going into deficit to avoid a recession even though he knew how much political capital was riding on keeping it in surplus. Unlike Howard he wasn't a little girl about the apology scared of compensation claims that might come as a consequence of it, Kevin saw something that shouldto be done and he did it.

Climate change is another area where Kevin didn't cave, Howard was just a puppett for industry but not Rudd. Rudd ignored the serious threats from the unions on the one hand warning him that he'd pay for any job lossess he caused and the greenies on the other and produced a balanced, sensible response rather than an extreme one that would have won him more votes.

We might not all agree with his decisions but we agree that he does what he does not because its popular but because it is in the nations interest and thats what makes a good prime minister, thats what separates Rudd from every other prime minister and premier in the past thirty years.
can you not see all this shit is just vote buying? that's why we get crap politicians elected to be our prime minister, a perfect example being krudd, because most of our population is dumb and sees all the stuff they do on the surface and goes 'wow, i benefit from this', without realising that that's all he does, and that's why the country is falling apart because he does jack shit behind the scenes because it doesn't win him votes.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
can you not see all this shit is just vote buying? that's why we get crap politicians elected to be our prime minister, a perfect example being krudd, because most of our population is dumb and sees all the stuff they do on the surface and goes 'wow, i benefit from this', without realising that that's all he does, and that's why the country is falling apart because he does jack shit behind the scenes because it doesn't win him votes.
How can you say that? For more than a decade the Howard government ran scare campaigns to the effect of "if labor gets in everything will fall apart." The temptation for Rudd to govern largely through continuation of Howard government policies must have been immense but Rudd whose got more ticker than the rest of the party combined would have none of it. Whether or not you agree with his policies is one thing but you have to admit he is a conviction politician.


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
How can you say that? For more than a decade the Howard government ran scare campaigns to the effect of "if labor gets in everything will fall apart." The temptation for Rudd to govern largely through continuation of Howard government policies must have been immense but Rudd whose got more ticker than the rest of the party combined would have none of it. Whether or not you agree with his policies is one thing but you have to admit he is a conviction politician.
and then what happened? ohhh yeah! everything fell apart and we're left with 280 billion dollars of debt. i don't think he has conviction, i think he tries to buy votes, and does whatever it is that will keep people happy.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
and then what happened? ohhh yeah! everything fell apart and we're left with 280 billion dollars of debt. i don't think he has conviction, i think he tries to buy votes, and does whatever it is that will keep people happy.
Shows how much you know. Look at his premiership thus far,

The apology-Howard has forever banged the drum about compensation claims if Rudd apologised and the people were well and trully scared of them. When Rudd came to office the coalition were never going to put any pressure on him to apologise and would have been forced into supporting his actions in light of what they themselves had done in office. But Rudd said bugger the votes and the elections it should be done and so it will, if it means it'll shorten my premiership so be it.

Kyoto-Much the same thing, for how long did the libs(aside from Malcolm) argue it would be to the nations economic detriment. Rudd again put politics aside and signed it because he has convictions, because he cares about the environment more than a few votes from industry and trade union hacks.

The Pacific Solution- Another classic example, after being told for seven years that the strict measures were neccessary for national security Rudd defied public opinion and acted on his beliefs that it was not a humane response to a humanitarian crisis. He has been met with fierce critcism for it but his convictions will ensure he won't cave on it.

Fuelwatch-The popular press tried to paint it as a joke. The first major initiative of the Rudd government was being lampooned in the press but he made sure it was given ago because irrespective of what Kochie and Mel or Paul Mcdermott said Rudd believed it was in the interest of Australians.

Stimulus-The centrepiece of the liberal parties 2007 campaign was debt and deficit. If Rudd was driven by popularity he would have heard the sounds of Peter costello laughing "I told you we'd go into debt in deficit under a labor government". But Rudd is not a populist he is a man of convictions and now thanks to his willingness to put the nations interest ahead of his own political interests we have avoided a technichal recession and are now arguably the best positioned economy in the western world. What a contrast to his predecessor who used to duck for cover at the first whiff of unpopularity.


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
can you stop saying convictions? can you not see that all those things buy votes for him? can you not see that he is more concerned with popularity than actually being a proper prime minister that does things for the good of his country, not the good of the individual that might then vote for him to stay in power?

HA, the best positioned economy? oh and i suppose you want to pay back the 200 billion we owe? by all means, go for it.

oh, and we're letting all the boat people in now, wicked, i really want people to be able to illegally immigrate to australia when it costs others so much money to do it through the proper channels. you know what, why not let osama bin laden in while we're making it a free for all?

john howard, for one example, copped so much criticism for not saying sorry to the indigenous people when he'd done nothing wrong by them, so it would be an empty apology, but krudd is fucking awesome ay, cause he has convictions and he said sorry because he thought it would be the right thing to do, oh, and maybe get a few aboriginals on his side, so yay, nice work. if anyone has convictions it IS his predecessor, because he stuck to his guns no matter what, whereas krudd just caves to what the populous wants.


Jun 2, 2009
Turnbull is a retard like the rest of the politicians in Canberra.


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
Turnbull is a retard like the rest of the politicians in Canberra.
i do have to agree with this.

"we don't vote to keep the best party in, cause there's no such thing, but we vote to keep the worst party out."


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
can you stop saying convictions? can you not see that all those things buy votes for him? can you not see that he is more concerned with popularity than actually being a proper prime minister that does things for the good of his country, not the good of the individual that might then vote for him to stay in power?

HA, the best positioned economy? oh and i suppose you want to pay back the 200 billion we owe? by all means, go for it.

oh, and we're letting all the boat people in now, wicked, i really want people to be able to illegally immigrate to australia when it costs others so much money to do it through the proper channels. you know what, why not let osama bin laden in while we're making it a free for all?

john howard, for one example, copped so much criticism for not saying sorry to the indigenous people when he'd done nothing wrong by them, so it would be an empty apology, but krudd is fucking awesome ay, cause he has convictions and he said sorry because he thought it would be the right thing to do, oh, and maybe get a few aboriginals on his side, so yay, nice work. if anyone has convictions it IS his predecessor, because he stuck to his guns no matter what, whereas krudd just caves to what the populous wants.
Nah mate you've been sucked in by the tori propaganda machine, sit back and let me set you straight. Kevin unlike Howard is not concerned with votes, they come to him because he acts in the nations interest and not in his own. I've allready given examples of how but i'll elaborate because clearly the same party that brought us Children overboard and reds under the bed has gotten to you.

The Australian economy isn't ideal, but the rising levels of debt, the rising unemployment, the collapse of revenue are being experienced by every comparable economy in the world. Rudd has responded to these economic conditions quickly and decisively and has prevented Australia going into recession whilst incurring much smaller levels of debt than most other countries despite the potential political ramifications of going into debt after the scare camapign honest John ran at the last election. The levels of debt would probably be lower infact if the previous government hadn't tried to buy a few cheap votes at the last election with those reckless tax cuts which Joe Hockey, the first liberal conviction politician since Malcolm Fraser, has admitted were bad economic policy.

The notion that asylum seekers and refugees have a negative impact on Australia is a myth trumped up by the previous government. Even so many people still have an irrational fear of them and it took great courage for Rudd to ignore the hysteria to do the humane thing. By contrast his predecessor in a tacky ploy to win votes changed foreign policy in the middle of an election campaign to fall into line with opinion polls then in attempt to further justify it used false evidence. Cheap, tacky populist politics from a cheap, tacky populist politician thank god he lost his seat and we have someone who governs with conviction now instead.

The number of indigenous Australians compared to the overall Australian community is very small. John Howard believed in reconcilliation, look at his 1998 election speech. He was just afraid of the political fallout that might come with apologising as conservatives in rural Australia might turn against the coalition. The apology was an act that required real convictions, someone who didn't care that it was something likely to cost him alot of political capital, someone like Rudd. Days before he was to give it a journalist who we'll call Andrew bolted for his computer to explain to all why Rudd was about to finish his premiership before he'd really started. But that didn't matter for Rudd, as far as he was concerned it was the right thing to do, so irrespective of all the votes it could lose him, he did what John Howard was too afraid to do.

Now I can understand you don't agree with Rudd's politics. That is fine, but thats not what im talking about. I'm talking about conviction. That is why we all love and respect Kevin because we know that he is not just a smart man but a strong man and just because we get swept up in the occasional wave of paranoia and hysteria he will stand firm and act in the nations interest.
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je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
Nah mate you've been sucked in by the tori propaganda machine, sit back and let me set you straight. Kevin unlike Howard is not concerned with votes, they come to him because he acts in the nations interest and not in his own. I've allready given examples of how but i'll elaborate because clearly the same party that brought us Children overboard and reds under the bed has gotten to you.

The Australian economy isn't ideal, but the rising levels of debt, the rising unemployment, the collapse of revenue are being experienced by every comparable economy in the world. Rudd has responded to these economic conditions quickly and decisively and has prevented Australia going into recession whilst incurring much smaller levels of debt than most other countries despite the potential political ramifications of going into debt after the scare camapign honest John ran at the last election. The levels of debt would probably be lower infact if the previous government hadn't tried to buy a few cheap votes at the last election with those reckless tax cuts which Joe Hockey, the first liberal conviction politician since Malcolm Fraser, has admitted were bad economic policy.

The notion that asylum seekers and refugees have a negative impact on Australia is a myth trumped up by the previous government. Even so many people still have an irrational fear of them and it took great courage for Rudd to ignore the hysteria to do the humane thing. By contrast his predecessor in a tacky ploy to win votes changed foreign policy in the middle of an election campaign to fall into line with opinion polls then in attempt to further justify it used false evidence. Cheap, tacky populist politics from a cheap, tacky populist politician thank god he lost his seat and we have someone who governs with conviction now instead.

The number of indigenous Australians compared to the overall Australian community is very small. John Howard believed in reconcilliation, look at his 1998 election speech. He was just afraid of the political fallout that might come with apologising as conservatives in rural Australia might turn against the coalition. The apology was an act that required real convictions, someone who didn't care that it was something likely to cost him alot of political capital, someone like Rudd. Days before he was to give it a journalist who we'll call Andrew bolted for his computer to explain to all why Rudd was about to finish his premiership before he'd really started. But that didn't matter for Rudd, as far as he was concerned it was the right thing to do, so irrespective of all the votes it could lose him, he did what John Howard was too afraid to do.

Now I can understand you don't agree with Rudd's politics. That is fine, but thats not what im talking about. I'm talking about conviction. That is why we all love and respect Kevin because we know that he is not just a smart man but a strong man and just because we get swept up in the occasional wave of paranoia and hysteria he will stand firm and act in the nations interest.
okay, you will never see the world the way i do, but can you please stop saying we all love kevin, cause we don't all love kevin. i personally can't stand him, he looks fake and i'll never believe a word that comes out of his mouth. so can we just agree to disagree, but we don't ALL love krudd.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
okay, you will never see the world the way i do, but can you please stop saying we all love kevin, cause we don't all love kevin. i personally can't stand him, he looks fake and i'll never believe a word that comes out of his mouth. so can we just agree to disagree, but we don't ALL love krudd.
Yeah but your an exception you don't really speak for broader Australian. On the whole the Australian people love Kevin and because they can see past the pre concieved ideas of a party that you have and assess the bloke on what he has actually done instead of what his party did in previous governments. And what he has done is govern with conviction, integrity and in the nations interest. Thats why we (australia) love Kevin.


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
Yeah but your an exception you don't really speak for broader Australian. On the whole the Australian people love Kevin and because they can see past the pre concieved ideas of a party that you have and assess the bloke on what he has actually done instead of what his party did in previous governments. And what he has done is govern with conviction, integrity and in the nations interest. Thats why we (australia) love Kevin.
i form my opinions by seeing what he does, not by preconceived opinions. and most people i know are liberal. so i do speak for not only myself but basically an entire community.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
i form my opinions by seeing what he does, not by preconceived opinions. and most people i know are liberal. so i do speak for not only myself but basically an entire community.
Oh rubbish I've see hacks like yourself, a new list of excuses to why each and every labor leader would be a bumbling oaf in government and each liberal prime minister was a grand old statesman who the country couldn't live without. Note I had the balanced view to acknowlege Fraser was a conviction politician.


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
Oh rubbish I've see hacks like yourself, a new list of excuses to why each and every labor leader would be a bumbling oaf in government and each liberal prime minister was a grand old statesman who the country couldn't live without. Note I had the balanced view to acknowlege Fraser was a conviction politician.
alright, look, i've offered to agree to disagree, but you're fucking pissing me off now.

i don't give a shit what party a politician is from, i just care whether they do good for the country. imn my opinion, kevin rudd is more concerned about popularity than actually running the damn country. i don't care about what went on however many years ago, i don't care about the history of politics, i care about now because we live in now.

SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT CONVICTIONS!! it means god damned nothing if people have convictions that don't do any good for the people they're supposed to be looking after.

i like how all your arguments revolve around convictions. go get a rational argument and then i'll listen.


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