UWS -> MQ Transfer Opinions (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 11, 2008
I finished my HSC last year and didn’t get the UAI i wanted to get into Ebusiness at MQ. After all the results and offers where sent out, my main goal was to get into MQ uni through a number of options. I had a choice of TAFE (Cert IV + REALLY didn’t like the whole TAFE environment), SIBT (Cert IV, then continue into Dip after a year), or UWS College ( offered a Diploma in ICT).

I decided to go to UWS College and do the diploma in ICT, as it was the highest qualification out of all the options, and use it as a pathway to get into MQ and try to get EBusiness through this. People also told me there is a high chance of getting into MQ with other Diplomas if you go well, etc.

Well iv been doing the 3 Sem ICT Diploma @ UWS for the past 12 months and have my final exams starting next week for my remaining 3 units. It hasnt been easy since it’s a 3 sem course in 1 year, and actually doing ICT first year UNI subjects. We have no breaks (longest break all year is 2 weeks), work all through xmas, etc, and was pretty hard seeing all my mates on 3 month break while i had to hit the books, etc but that’s fine....
I have passed all units so far and have gotten 1 pass, 3 credit, and 1 distinction. I have been pleased with the results so far, and was hoping the chance of transferring into MQ would be decent.

Well i applied to MQ via UAC a few months ago, and nothing went to plan, i didnt get accepted into MQ EBusiness in the 2010 main round offers that where released tonight. I am now not sure what to do, as the whole idea/ goal for the past year of transferring from the UWS Diploma into MQ is now gone. I now have 2 options, Continue the UWS course im doing now, and go into 2nd year Degree (i dont really like the course as its too IT based, didn’t really enjoy the look of it from the start as the whole idea was to transfer into MQ), and then possibly try to transfer once again with no guarantees after completing the 1st or 2nd sem @ UWS 2nd year.

The other option is another Diploma @ SIBT in ICT, and then guarantee entry into EBusiness @ MQ. This looks alright considering if i wanted to go to SIBT last year, i was required to do Cert IV before the Diploma course, so basically i can look at it as getting a higher qualification Diploma @ UWS instead of Cert IV @ SIBT last year. I have successfully been accepted into the Diploma @ SIBT and can possibly apply for some unit exemptions as i have done similar units @ UWS ICT Diploma. The negative side of SIBT is its cost, and possible another year without breaks.

Sorry for the ranting, im just kinda let down the whole plan of the UWS Dip didn’t go to plan, and trying to consider the options. If i pass these final exams, i can continue into 2nd year UWS, but like i said i don’t like the subject, and never really wanted to go there. If i continue into 2nd year, will i be able to apply for MQ once again after 1st sem and have a much greater chance of transferring since its 2nd year Degree at looked as a higher qualification than a Diploma, or should i go to SIBT, pay the little extra, and finally get the guaranteed entry into MQ if i do pass everything, but then again, im doing another diploma. another adv of SIBT is i continue into 2nd year EBusiness if i pass all units in the Dip.

Another question, with the UWS Diploma ICT im doing now, did UAC/MQ take that into consideration when choosing the offers for the main round, or is what iv done so far, and not counted as i have not completed the diploma yet, and i get my actual diploma certificate in Feb if i pass the exams next week.

Once again. Sorry for the rant, and if u managed to get this far, please feel free to leave some advice, as im not quite sure where to go from here...

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Jan 22, 2009
I finished my first year doing Arts/Law at UWS, after first year, got a credit average, got offers to do Arts/Law from Uni of Adelaide and Macquarie.
But I clicked the "defer" option for Adelaide feeling like losing a piece of my own flesh; however, for Macquarie, I'm still weighing up.
But having access to the past exam papers of Adelaide, I can tell you, in terms of law, at least in torts, our exams were not all that different. We have to follow certain textbooks, and the things that we learn are quite similar. UWS law is a serious law school, you can't get high grades for sub-standard efforts. If I ever transfer out, it will really come down to 1 or both of the 2 reasons: reputation, and safety: it's dangerous around the Campbelltown campus.


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
Did you happen to read this page (or whatever was in its place prior):

Alternative Pathways - Future Students Undergraduate - Macquarie University

The reason I ask is because it seems like even though it was only to UWS College, it's still considered as part of UWS and thus used the UAC requirements of UAI/ATAR and your Uni results rather than the diploma itself as the basis for the application.

As for your options, you can try for the late round, and hope something gets offered, anything really at MQ. If nothing comes up, you can try the non-award entry: General Information - Centre for Open Education, Macquarie University

Though some subjects require a minimum UAI to enrol into from memory, if you successfully complete 4 units (though paying upfront for each) you'll be offered entry into a HECS spot in either a B Arts or B Science, and once in, its simply a matter of internally transferring from there (while doing what subjects you can in ebusiness).

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