Group of Eight Universities..
The University of Adelaide, The Australian National University, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, The University of New South Wales, The University of Queensland, The University of Sydney and The University of Western Australia.
Basically these universities are at the top in terms of research (70% of all research conducted in Australian universities I believe), among other things.
The Group of Eight:
Have much better than average staff student ratios;
Provide a wide range of scholarships for international students;
Receive an above-average share of national teaching awards;
Have above average rates of student retention and progression;
Spend above average amounts on libraries, student services and academic support services;
Enrol over 50% of postgraduate research students and approximately 30% of all Australian and international students;
Count among their alumni over 80 per cent of Australia's Rhodes scholars.
A small extract from the student information page.