I'd have to say that one of the wackiest teachers Ive had was my science teacher in yr10. For some reason he had this obsession with the wall so when we lined up outside the room in two rows, the line next to the wall would go in first, and at the end of the lesson the 'wall side' would always get to leave first. Then when we were doing some experiment with seeds he was telling us all about the different parts of the seed then out of nowhere he says 'now the seed coat is also known as the testa, but it is not to be confused with the testies' and he must have repeated that everyday for the next few weeks.
My art teacher in yr7/8 was an old bag who kept rambling on about shit and absolutely hated being interrupted. So if someone sneezed or coughed they would get a 'black mark' and they would have to stay back if lunch or recess was next. She also had this other anti-talking system which involved a 'magic spot'. If you got caught talking you had to stand on the magic spot and catch other ppl talking. She also had this problem with the letter s, and when she marked the roll anyone that hissed their yeses had to stay back after the end of the period and practise saying yes properly.
another science teacher of mine tried to get the class to drink chemicals so we could taste the difference between acids and bases. Whenever we did experiments he never took much care with them and once he set his mostuche on fire

very entertaing that was.
One of my english teachers must have had a few screws loose cause she was absolutely mental. She wouldnt eat or drink anything that came into contact with plastic because she thought she would get cancer so she spent a whole lesson throwing away anything of hers made of plastic.

She also wouldnt eat eggs because they were 'chicken periods'. And for some reason she made all her own clothes, which were all cut from the exact same pattern. so she had about 30 identical dresses, the only thing different was the fabric. She must have been 60 or something and she had this huge crush on Matt Damon and was obsessed with Keanu Reeves cause we watched just about Keanu movie there was that year.
My chem teacher was cool cause he liked to make things that exploded or were pretty dangerous. We did this thing where he mixed these two chemicals together and it made this big huge fire and nearly set the room on fire, then he said 'That was cool. lets do it again, but this time lets add more!' Ahhh the memories... Im gonna miss it all even though I dont want to go back.
Edit: forgot my business teacher.
Now THAT was an experience. He was the biggest sleaze bag and he didnt know anything and we pretty much spent the whole lesson paying him out all the time

Then we had to do this business plan for a national competition, and his suggestion to us was to do a school sausage sizzle. When we told the other business teacher what he said she just stared in shock for a few minutes and the first words out of her mouth were 'you WILL fail'. But that was nothing compared to the way he left. For once our class was acctually working then out of nowhere he accused one of the guys up the back of mimmicking him and sent him to the head teacher. When he came back with the head teacher the head teacher didnt believe that the guy was mimmicking our business teacher, so then our teacher just packed up his stuff and said "OK fine, if youre going to take his side, thats it Im leaving!" We never saw him again.