sounds like it was... mine was a toss up between 6 and 3... i chose 6
how many artists u guys use? i used... Rauschenberg, Whitely, Warhol, Stelarc, Picasso... probably a few too many but i kinda combined rauschenberg & warhol in the same point.
I found it easy compared to last years. I did question 5 for section II...excellent that it was only about contemporary artists seeing that I only prepared 6 contemporaries....hehehehe.
Lol, I just threw in all the names I could link to the question in anyway... Damn! for one of the questions I was gonna mention "Guernica" n I forgot....
well i thought that was the fucken hardest shit eva
fuck thats was like da worst iv eva dun in an art exam...the essay wasn't to bad, except like nun of the artsist i studied could really be applied to any of the questions, wat a crap choice, ended uo doing q 3.
i only did three artists - elizabeth catlett, xu bing, and patricia piccinini. and i did question six.. those probably werent a good choice of artists
oh well... and damn i didnt mention the quote at all -__-