For School:
- wrote a 1500 ext eng essay (had to cut it down from 3000 words

- wrote a short story for adv eng
- decided on my mod hist prelim "pip" and wrote my oral + slideshow
- wrote notes for biology
- wrote notes for ext eng
- wrong notes for adv eng
- biology report on transpiration
- three bio lab reports + one experiement at home
- 1500 ancient history essay on Spirit Cave Man (anyone have any resources? I have got 1500 words but I feel like I could condense it to 1200 if I had more info to put in..)
- wrote two film critiques for french
For Other:
- organising a study tour to redfern for Indigenous awareness (PM me if you are interested it's in July but applications close soon)
- organising a conference
- organising a reconciliation day at school
- organising an ANZAC ceremony at school
- organising a mentorship program at school
- SRC stuff
To do:
- final bits of my french summaries
- use text book to make sure I have everything in my bio notes
- edit and re edit short story
- check everything else for the upteenth time to make sure it's ok
- buy new books
- get more related texts for eng(s)
School on Monday! Can't wait