a kiss on the hand???? i jst cant go for that. its jst weird! its a bit... i dunno... old fashioned/totally chic flick thing to do.... i hav been turned off all that stuff now cos i jst cant see the guy means it. lol. i jst figure he has (for some dumb reason) watched a chic flick and is tryin to pull the moves he thinks will make a girl go "ahh how romantic" spose, it works for u AleeOh! and if thats ur deal- i know a lotta guys like that. guess its jst not my cuppa tea. lol.
and like, guys if u are tryin 2 crack onto her- heres another little tip. JUST BE YOU. Guys that wana kiss ur hand, and lay their jacket over a puddle so the chic doesnt get wet... (WEIRD!)that may hav been cool in the 1800's... but NUH UH. its jst not real anymore. guys rnt like that!!! but if they are, lol.... thats jst weird. some of us love jumpin in the puddles and wearing our own jackets and not havin u put urs on us--- we know u are cold too!!! and there is a difference between being sincere and doin it cos u no chics dig it. and the times ur sincere, chix dig it. but dont do it jst to impress the chic.
so my answer to the question is jst b u!!! if ur havin a conversation with a bloke, what r u doin with ur hands? (not gross, im SERIOUS!) jst forget bout ur hands. the chic isnt lookin at ur hands... ur the one lookin at ur hands.... dont look at ur hands... dont care bout ur hands.... get over ur hands and start thinking bout more important stuff... like the chic ur with!!!!