hahaha very nice. ok.
*thinks he doesn't know why he's doing this*
1. like is said before; intelligent, not overly, just kind of bookish.
2. outgoing in a very specific way. like i said, i wouldn't want her to be assertive around people, but i'd like to be able to take her camping. i don't want her to be a girly girl
3. friendly (in a shy way)
4. really soft, like loving
5. good set of morals
6. i want a personality i can really connect with
7. i don't know if this is part of her personality, but a very touchy girl friend...as in one that likes to touch (hug, stroke caress, etc) people she loves a lot
8. doesn't have to be totally emotionally stable...i don't mind is she cries a lot
...um there's heaps more, but i can't think of them off the top of my head.
what do you think of that? going to "suck the blood" out of me after seeing that?