Not necessarily today but last night....had a toblerone cocktail at the bowlo....dear god was it, crushed up toberlone chocolate, all in this kind of "chilla" drink (a really icy milkshake) with whipped cream on top...mmmmmmmmm.....
Made spaghetti with spiced sauce with added onions and chilli oil.. and a whole slab of mince
Pub Squash <- it tastes like plastic now.. used to be so good..
I managed to have a chicken ceasar salad, like 15 nuggets and like a fillet o fish.
I'd rather have a wooper anyday though. I like home made food, usually heaps better than fast food. Guess I can't complain cause I got it free though.
Oh Carmen, there's pho at strathfield, why do you bother to go all the way to cabra? lol