What the hell does Simple Plan fall into? What the fuck are they on about . . half the time they're like "Shut up" and listen, and the other time its "My dad hates me", "Why do i not understand the world", and "how could this happen to me?". What's cool about 26 yr olds in skate shoes, 3/4 pants and retro t-shirts, whining about shit? On that track . . . . um . . "How could this happen to me?" you can actually feel your brain screaming for you to trn it off. I can only liken it to fingers scraping a blackboard.
Gimme a fuckin break.
South Park:
Kyle: "You think your life's so hard? Try living in a third world country, asshole!"
Rock kid: "I don't wanna live in a third world country with all the conformists"