well.. isn't it quite obvious? most people who don't want to do English will be definitely picking Standard or just can't be bothered to pick any (exclude those genius.. oops.. wait.. geniuses or genui? see that's the problem of standard
that has been told to do Advanced or uppppppp) okay.. let's start again, from: "bothered to pick any..." so why do you expect any good results at all in Standard? And it follows that if Standard'ers are crap, Advanced'ers must be good!
Originally posted by underthesun
The following message may offend some people. Please skip it, or else you will be in the risk of flaming me wasting your time.
They get taught that, smart people will always pick advanced, and stupid and non-ambitious (ahem, me discluded) people will always pick standard. This makes them more competitive. As for the standard's poor performance.. they are just poor. I mean, why would you choose standard and expect to do good?
No I'm not doing advanced .
Can't agree more with ya
lol.. and that means that I'm dumb --> I was convinced by the English head.. (oops.. head... I don't mean it
) teacher that I'll be better off be doing Standard after a year in Advanced in year 11
I came second @ the end (just the exam.. i did really crap @ the beginning of the year so overall i still came last
) and guess what? I'm regretting now... it hurts me even more when she told me the other day that they "think it's right for me to drop down to Standard and you've made the right choice" (I don't want to say this.. but excuse me --- STUFF THAT).. oh well, someone told me before when a similar subject to this was brought up: "what's done is done"
What can I say?
Lemme b***s*** (<-- another evidence of a Standard standard) for a while longer, you know what? let's work our bums off and kick Advanced's bum
(you know what I mean.. nothing offensive.. it's just.. a cliche
a friendly one) someone out there, pleeeeeease, get a band 6 (mind you, I'm still b***s***ing, well, of course I want to see that happen)... my band 6 dream just became a patch of melted butter, dropped from 3rd to 23rd this year.. beat that
It's painful to hear this but that's the truth: "what is it that we don't know?" -- "we don't know we are dumb" (only in terms of English, really mean no offence.. remember? I'm just b***s***ing..)