hmm i know.
i went to a pubo school back in year 7for a bit. [it was a westy school ina baddish area..]
I used to always feel sad about the people in my grade, about what they'd become etc...
but then this boy from that school, HSC 06 ended up coming 2nd in state in ext hist, and top ten in alot of other things.. [i found him here on bos..]
thus restoring my faith in individuals

The opportunity is there for people to make the change, to want more...
but the problem is that so many people dont know anything other than their environment and thus continue living in the cycle that tehy were born into...
If you're aware of the difference, you can make the cahnge
and what shits me about kids from jj and southsyd, is that it's not as if they dont know anybetter. i mean, sure, a large portion grow up in housing commission etc, but it's not as if they are faced with that environment and only that environment.
They're growing up in the eastern suburbs... perhaps in the low socioeconomic areas of the eastern suburbs, but the eastern suburbs none the less. It's so diverse, adn there are also the v. rich...
they must obviously acknowlege the difference between their own environment and that of others...
wouldnt they wanna work to better themselves?
but instead they jsut get caught up in their FulLY SiCK CrEwZ.
Of course, there are the ones from the other side of life who take everythng for granted and who live destructively...
but that is of less consequence..
you'd think that those with less woudl strive harder...