I dont think I hate anyone for how they look/act, but they sure as hell piss me off!
i have to agree with the excess makeup- its gross, but think its funny when its a hot day and it all starts to melt... serves them right!

And I dont like the "I'm emancipated" look on girls, which is made even worse when they actually dont eat. They look sick and makes my skin crawl (except for those with a serious issue, like legitimate anorexia). And even worse, those girls with no curves who wear low-cut tops when they have no boobs, only a boney chest.
Aaand, I dont like narcassistic people, they just drive me insane! Or people who ask too many stupid questions in tutorials and waste time. Or those who repeat what other people say in tute's to gain class participation. Or those people who wear black because they think its individual to do so. But what they dont understand or see is that there are so many people like them, which kind of defeats the whole 'individualistic' aim, and that they stick out like a sore thumb to those people who dress like that because they want to.
Or people who dont practise what they preach, or worse only 'practise' a religion because its 'cool' to do so and thus dont actually understand or appreciate what they apparently practise. And bible bashers (no offense), but if I wanted to follow their religion, I'm sure I would have started some time in my 20 years on earth. And people who swear inappropriately, and those who hate homosexuals because they dont think its natural (if 'god' didnt want them to have sex, would he have let them discover that the asshole is a nice place to stick a dick?!)
... Ok... so maybe I have a few dislikes!