I hate idiots. Female idiots so much.
I went on a 'double movie date' with some of my friends and this bimbastic fantastic girl that thought just because I could spin a few words I was 'lol intelligunt'. May the grating and gnashing of molars commence.
So we're in this movie waiting for it to start and she's talking at me, I'm nodding, completely impartial, trying to tune her out, and she keeps. fucking. talking. About all these stupid things. I thought it was just some kind of sick joke, but she wouldn't stop fucking talking about base trivialities.
I stood up about 10 minutes into the previews and she got up after me like a little puppy dog.
"Where are you going?"
"Away from you, you physically disgust me. I don't know why, but talking to you is like being smacked in the face by a stack of Cleo Magazines. Please, don't ever talk to me again."
I've had that happen to me more than once. My friends do it for the hilarity factor, because most of the girls that like me confuse my glib superficiality and charm for actual depth of character

They had bets on how long it would take me to destroy her. My friends rule.