Aesthetically Challenged
ok please help if you can
i've been doing my own head in
i havn't got much info so i am probably wasting my time but anyway
all i remember is the music video
it has a chick in a bathtub as she is commiting suicide (no not britney)
another figure (cant remember if male or female) is running, i assume to save her
its an indie tune i think kinda melodic and slow
rather depressing
has a guy with a guitar
for some reason i remember a train station and roses
it came out late 90's i think
i know these clues arnt much...but if it rings any bells...please put my mind at rest
thanking you
i've been doing my own head in
i havn't got much info so i am probably wasting my time but anyway
all i remember is the music video
it has a chick in a bathtub as she is commiting suicide (no not britney)
another figure (cant remember if male or female) is running, i assume to save her
its an indie tune i think kinda melodic and slow
rather depressing
has a guy with a guitar
for some reason i remember a train station and roses
it came out late 90's i think
i know these clues arnt much...but if it rings any bells...please put my mind at rest
thanking you