When are the UNSW 2023 General Merit Undergraduate Scholarships for Commencing Students results coming out (1 Viewer)


Feb 25, 2015
Uni Grad
From my experience being successful for 4 different scholarships, there isn't really a set defined date for each scholarship to be offered out. It works on a process of the scholarships office assessing the applications and then sending out offers one by one. A certain time period is given for someone who gets the offer to accept it or it lapses and then its offered to the next person on their preference list. So when I get offered those 4 scholarships they all came on different days like 2-3 weeks from the first to last. That process of the lapsing and then offered to the next person would be quite common as some people would decide to not go to UNSW or do a different degree than the requirements for the scholarship and as you are only allowed to accept 1 scholarship so although some people might get offered more than one they can only choose 1 and then the others will get passed onto someone else.

You won't get any offers for the rest of December as the university has gone into the end of year shutdown so no one is working at the campus after Tuesday and then people will return like around 3rd Jan. So offers will probably come out within that January middle time frame. If you haven't got an offer and its like Feb already it's probably unlikely you were successful unless someone at the last minute decides to pull out and they pass it onto the next candidate.


Feb 25, 2015
Uni Grad
how did you get accepted in 4 scholarships? did you get any of them simultaneously or each one after the other ended? Was the scholarships just based on academics or did you have to do other stuff for it
Was the scholarships just based on academics or did you have to do other stuff for it
All the scholarships at UNSW even if it says it's an academic/merit based one you still have to fill out an application that they will read. So you can't really just solely rely on I got a 99 ATAR and so I will get one (few of my friends applied as well that had 98+ ATARs and didn't get any). They ask you stuff about achievements, leadership, extra-curriculars, talk about a major project you were involved with and some scholarships that are academic based for specific degrees or schools in the uni ask you why you are applying or want to do a degree in that area. So it's more like you need a high mark to be considered for a merit scholarship but then if they are choosing between different candidates with similar marks they will probably look at what you write in the application, since they have no other way to distinguish the different people applying.

how did you get accepted in 4 scholarships?

Tying into answering the previous question. I had a very high mark and what I would say was a strong all round application. I didn't have like 10 different extracurriculars or voluntering things to talk about but I had a few good examples that I could elaborate on and showcase my skills through cause they ask you for each section what are you most proud of or to go into detail on one example for each. Basically I had not many examples, but those examples I had were very strong.

In terms of the academic achievements that was quite extensive (DUX, high 99 ATAR, won a bunch of first place awards and cups at the school for science and english in Year 12 and a few awards from year 7-11 for first place in a subject and effort awards showing strong work ethic). But in my academic achievements I didn't really talk about those things as being my expanded written example. I had a project I worked on in Year 10 in something called elective science and I presented that project to the whole school with my group member. So from that I was able to talk about like we tackled a challenging project for that kind of school age and showcased a bunch of useful skills others wouldn't probably write about for that question, as I could talk about the presentation skills in being able to deliver a speech to 1000+ students/teachers.

For leadership I wasn't a school captain or prefect but I had played sport for a long time outside school and could talk about the leadership role you can take in that and also during school projects I'd always take the initiative, arranged everything and made sure the collaboration between people worked well.

Did some other stuff like had a youtube channel for a few years so I could discuss that for the extracurriculars and the skills I learnt myself by learning how to use photoshop and video editing programs.

Then in terms of the why do I want to do the science degree, I discussed my passion from a young age in that area and linked it back to that big project I did and presented to the school.

did you get any of them simultaneously or each one after the other ended?
Not sure exactly what you mean by this. If you are talking about can you hold all these scholarships at once (i.e. get the money from each). No you can't. You are only allowed to accept one recurring one, as in one that goes for each year of your degree. So I could accept 2 of them since, 3 of them were recurring and 1 was a one off award payment. So I just chose the highest value one.

If you are talking about did I get offered them simultaneously or one after the other lapsed. I didn't get offered them all on the same day like I said in the previous post. It was across 2 weeks or so. But I had the choice to accept whichever one I wanted out of those scholarships. So I had all offers on the table at the same time if that's what you are asking about.

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