Wait, I know what your problem is. It's not on SOLS. You only enrol in courses for LLB on SOLS. Read this Ms 12:
The Commerce Tutorial Preference System will commence @ 10am on Monday 5th July thru to 8pm 15th July How do I Access the Commerce Tutorial Preference Systems? The Commerce Tutorial Preference System is available from any Internet access point - enter the following web address:
http://www.uow.edu.au/commerce/notboard.html click on Tutorial Preference System click onto Select Tutorial Preferences
Can I change my Preferences?
You may change your preferences as many time as your wish during the 11 day operating period Student will have 11 days to select tutorial preferences - The Commerce Tutorial Preference System is not a "first in first served" system
When can I view Allocated Tutorials?
As from 10am Saturday 17th July From the Main Menu click onto View Allocated Preferences
What if I want to change an Allocated Tutorial?
As from 10am 19th July until 4pm 22nd July From the Main Menu click onto Change or Make an Enrollment