When is it a baby? (2 Viewers)

Mar 24, 2009
I dont really know, these things are really hard to determine. Some people like to take different ethical stances on this. The safer option is to just say "at conception" that way you dont accidently kill a whole heap of babies because society previously thought that at 6 months fetuses cant feel pain [or whatever little criteria they are using to determine when its ok to abort or not] when it turns out they can.

I dont think i am against abortion exactly, but i do see it as a pretty extreme option and it sickens me how lightly it is taken these days. I also wonder about fathers rights, it seems wrong that someone could legally kill my unborn child and theres nothing i can do about it and i have no say in the matter.

I guess i just basically disslike the idea of legalised killing of anybody in our country. I am also against capital punishment and euthanasia if thats relevant at all
the problem is that women are, in their nature, selfish creatures. they exist only to satisfy their own urges, and the intrinsic value of life means nothing to them when it comes to their convinience. that a woman will terminate an innocent and beautiful life for the sake of an overseas holiday, or to avoid missing the 6:03 from Bathurst to Central, is evidence enough for this. women are greedy and self-absorbed cretins. they are cretins that lack the capacity to have appreciation for the self-evident value of life. they, as the growth medium, do not have the faculty of appreciation that God has given to man; sculpted in his own image. it is therefore the duty of a man to dictate when a woman can and can not have an abortion.

they must be stopped from deciding these matters when they most clearly have not the ability to deal with these scenarios.


Mar 2, 2009
Wouldn't you like to know?
the problem is that women are, in their nature, selfish creatures. they exist only to satisfy their own urges, and the intrinsic value of life means nothing to them when it comes to their convinience. that a woman will terminate an innocent and beautiful life for the sake of an overseas holiday, or to avoid missing the 6:03 from Bathurst to Central, is evidence enough for this. women are greedy and self-absorbed cretins. they are cretins that lack the capacity to have appreciation for the self-evident value of life. they, as the growth medium, do not have the faculty of appreciation that God has given to man; sculpted in his own image. it is therefore the duty of a man to dictate when a woman can and can not have an abortion.

they must be stopped from deciding these matters when they most clearly have not the ability to deal with these scenarios.

Now Mr. Ben Gurion, given your overly misogynistic views, you are inevitably going to be chewed out by every female on this server. Doubly so if they are at all intelligent. However, I thought I'd take up the mantle and have a crack first.

The problem I have with your post is not that you put down women, indeed, I had no problem with that whatsoever. In fact I found your post rather profound... untill I saw the word God. Then it all became clear to me. You've now identified yourself as a "target: of sorts...

Now, if one is to actually read Gen 1:27, you'd see the following:

"God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" The obvious corollary to draw is that your god is in fact and androgynous hemaphrodite. Regardless, despite the later... evils of the religion pertaining to women, in the beginning, they did seem to be the equal opportunity type.

With regards to your 'faculty of appreciation' comment; clearly you have never heard of the maternal instinct, as a rule they (women) have a greater appreciation of the 'self-evident value of life' than we (men) do.

Finally, the self-evident value of life: you provide no evidence as to what makes life so valuable, and then use it in reference to something that is not in fact alive. Legally a baby is not alive untill it takes its first breath. The logic in this is clear: if something does not breath, it is not alive.

So in summary, i'm sorry Dave, but your arguments are lacklustre at best. If you have a more convincing and intellectual argument as to why women are inferior, I'm all ears. Untill then... consider yourself lucky I read this post before any of the more... vehement females on the server.


Aug 6, 2009
if i tell you i have to kill you.....
the problem is that women are, in their nature, selfish creatures. they exist only to satisfy their own urges, and the intrinsic value of life means nothing to them when it comes to their convinience. that a woman will terminate an innocent and beautiful life for the sake of an overseas holiday, or to avoid missing the 6:03 from Bathurst to Central, is evidence enough for this. women are greedy and self-absorbed cretins. they are cretins that lack the capacity to have appreciation for the self-evident value of life. they, as the growth medium, do not have the faculty of appreciation that God has given to man; sculpted in his own image. it is therefore the duty of a man to dictate when a woman can and can not have an abortion.

they must be stopped from deciding these matters when they most clearly have not the ability to deal with these scenarios.
wow. i mean wow. you are soooo gonna get lynched dude!!!:)

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