It seems one of the servers I previously linked to has recently created a new redirect which says one has to "log in" to access resources. So with no further ado I have changed the links so that they no longer have silly login requests or redirecting.
If there any other dead or redirecting links on my website, feel free to tell me about it so I can fix it.
I have been on the MANSW HSC solutions committee in recent years and have been invited to go on it this year. But I haven't decided yet if I'll go on it this year. I want to see the 2006 HSC papers before I decide.
another good idea (apart from clicking on links) is to ask your maths teacher or maths department if they have any copies of previous trial papers, or even acess to other school's trial papers. most teachers would be more than happy to provide them to you if they do have them, i hope.