southsgirl said:
i was considering doing a PIP on the future, and whether or not people would want to know the day they die, and what would make them say yes as an answer
what direction could i go in with this
what has this got to do with course concepts? The Future is a component of the country study & Depth Studies but it is not a theoretical free-for-all. i.e. course requires you do conduct feasibility studies, write scenarios, Delphi technique etc. You can't just do an entire pip based on speculation - whether people want to know the day they'll die will be very hard to research. Remember you must back up primary findings with secondary data. Also, cross-cultural component?
another idea is weddings, and how they've become more casual through the years
This idea has merit; the casualisation of weddings reflects change in societal values and attitudes. You could incorporate data regarding the growing secularity of Australia and the marked shift away from dogmatic, orthodox values. Speak to your teacher about it. Not a bad idea.
and also
who is the better friend, the male or the female.
Again, how does this relate to the Society & Culture course? Gender is a fundamental element of the course but isn't used as a means to determine who would make a 'better friend'. The determinants of the 'better friend' are also highly subjective - how would you research this? Secondary data on this topic would be difficult to find and primary research methodologies would inevitably incorporate bias.
Additionally your hypothesis indicates you have made a prior decision as to 'who is the better friend', thereby incorporating your own subjectivity. This idea is flawed unless you can relate it to fundamental course concepts.