So Far Adv. Eng has been quite a bit we already had to do a creative writing piece and we had a blackout so i had to do it in the dark no excuses with my teacher.
Legal hw is fun its always read text and write definitions
Ext 1 Eng hw is fun its research on and artist - Felix Nussbaum
Ancient History is just some q's from textbook or a sheet
Modern History we havent really had work from
Food Tech hw can be torture - prepare a debate on the topic 'is a bread still a staple food of Australia in 2007'
2U Studies of Re hw is just read ahead in the text, i hate my classroom aircon is always on 18 and i like freeze to death every period, it was so fun we had an afternoon lesson and lightning hit a telegraph poll and smoke surrounded our room and we sat in darkness for an hour and a half. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: