ooh IMAGINE what will happen If he accidently kicked a coke can which flew off the balcony and hit a speeding car just at the right angle so that the transfer of momentum causes the tyre of the car to run over a bottle, causing its lid to shoot off and hit a road sign, ricocheting off to hit a pidgeon, which in fright, shitted on the hat of a grumpy old man, who threw away his hat in disgust, landing on a psychotic emotionally imbalanced youth, who became so traumatised bythe birdshit that he snapped and caused a school massacre in Guatemala 2 months later caused the government to declare war on UNited States and then catalysed the Outbreak of Al Quaeda mocement in Japan resulting in a catalysmic conflict with Russia, who then incidently nuked chechnya and the sonic waves from this caused an astroid to shift minutely in its orbit around the sun and in 1045 years time hit earth eliminating all life on the planet. like Michael will be so in the shits then wouldnt he...