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Who got a sh*t uai? Cmon share your pain (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 28, 2005
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

Litttle Lou Lou said:
i got a uai just below 50 pretty shit i know but i did my best and thats all that matters in the end i am not blamming it on anything if i was going to i would say my sport took up alot of weekends and that i hate the whole UAI thing its silly and i hate people who are naturally smart but in saying all that ppl with shit uai can only look forward from here.. there is a furture out there for everyone some come easier then others
Lou Lou i know its hard not to resent those that are naturally gifted academically, but understand that we are all different and unique, and in being so have different abilities and talents. Some are as we've seen in the hsc academically gifted and as a result have excelled in the hsc. Those that arent as talented at school as these people or have to work hard to do well have talents also, but in different areas and ways. Maybe some are good speakers, others may be great performers. Or perhaps some are more practical in their talents and can make things such as wooden seats for instance. The point is all of us are special, but in differing ways. So dont hold resentment to the academics.. theres probably something you can do alot better than them..

Find what you are good at and enjoy, and pursue it. Even with ur uai, theres still hope for the future. Dont give up or give in, and you can be just as sucessful as a 99.9% student.

Litttle Lou Lou

New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

hey guys sorry i take back wat i sed about the naturally smart ppl you guys are awsome and well done on ur marks... i know there is a future out there and believe me i will find it i can only look forward from here i was goin to do information technology at uni but my chances of getting into uni arnt that good cause my uai but i can do it though tafe and end up doin a uni cause in a year or two so yeah all is good :) :wave:



Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

little lou lou, dont take back what you said. its ok to be angry at people better than you. i missed 3 months of school and didnt study and still got 96.4 - it just means I'm awesome. But there are even awesomer people than me. Plus, it doesn't really matter if you havent got a designated career path anyway.

You say you were gonna do IT? Wow, how boring. You should probably be glad that you didnt make it because if you did, youd do a degree (shit boring, may I add) for 4 years and then enter a labouer market which is based in South Asia - ie no job.

You can indeed do other stuff through TAFE and get an awesome diploma, and if youre still interested, go to uni after that. Yes, it does suck because you'll have to use up an extra year than others, but hey, academics isnt your thing (i only say that because im a blunt guy). But otherwise, youve probably got an awesome personality and are very hot. So you win at life.


Mar 9, 2004
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain


My friend who got a UAI of 50.1 is right now finishing off his license to officially be a stockbroker. He is currently a derivatives dealer for a company within Macquarie bank and earning a highly comfortable sum. He's not academically brilliant, but he has the gift of the gab.

Don't feel shit guys, anything can happen


New Member
Oct 28, 2005
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

Bookie said:
little lou lou, dont take back what you said. its ok to be angry at people better than you. i missed 3 months of school and didnt study and still got 96.4 - it just means I'm awesome. But there are even awesomer people than me. Plus, it doesn't really matter if you havent got a designated career path anyway.

You say you were gonna do IT? Wow, how boring. You should probably be glad that you didnt make it because if you did, youd do a degree (shit boring, may I add) for 4 years and then enter a labouer market which is based in South Asia - ie no job.

You can indeed do other stuff through TAFE and get an awesome diploma, and if youre still interested, go to uni after that. Yes, it does suck because you'll have to use up an extra year than others, but hey, academics isnt your thing (i only say that because im a blunt guy). But otherwise, youve probably got an awesome personality and are very hot. So you win at life.
I didnt quite understand what you were getting at here. You said you put in next to no effort and yet recieved fantastic results. So you are gifted.. do you want to be resented for that? I reaffirm what i said before in that we are all gifted in different areas.. I agree with only one thing you said and thats there are others that are better than us in some areas. Lou Lou im sure is more gifted in an area you may not be so gifted in. We should all celebrate our talents and gifts, and use them in positive ways in this world. Being jelous of those who are better than us in some ways (eg academically) may be easy, but its not the best way to go. It just makes one miserable and bitter.

I end by saying congrats to you Lou Lou, seeing this whole experience in a positive light has been difficult but you have done well. And as for the person who posted the post quoted above, I really dont see what you were saying. Lou Lou did something really mature and difficult and you encourage her to do otherwise. You need to rethink your perspective on things. One other thing i will say is that no matter how bright you are, without hard work, you cant always succeed at life. So in future, dont see your academic talents as something that will always get you through with little effort, because you will be in for a rude shock if you do.

Some need to try harder than others, but we ALL have to try to succeed.


Oct 31, 2005
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

not everyone has gifts. some people are shit at everything they do


Active Member
Oct 30, 2005
Under The Tree
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

achievements shouldn't define who we are as people. they shouldn't matter at all really.


splashing in puddles
Jan 13, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

BlackDragon said:
achievements shouldn't define who we are as people. they shouldn't matter at all really.

I think that a lot people place too much emphasis on academic achievement defining success in life, especially when it comes to Year 12. You don't have to get the best marks to be happy and go far in life. Your path might be harder and take a little longer, but you can achieve anything if you want it enough. You haven't failed if you didn't get a UAI in the 80's or 90's.

I'd always been one of those "naturally smart" ones and I took for granted that I could get high marks without even having to study. I found it funny that I'd be able to do little work and still beat my friends who had studied for hours. I'd run around like it was something to be proud of, bragging about how I "didn't even try" (my friends must have wanted to strangle me half the time because of how I acted, if I could go back I probably would punch me :p), but I think it's the ones who put the most effort in regardless of their results who should be proud. The reality is that you can't always rely on being gifted and not having to work hard to get where you want to go, because you won’t always get to take the easy road. I always assumed that I'd easily go really great in the hsc and would to get in uni when I finished, but I got sick when I was in year 10 and have had to put in 100 times the effort since to come out with marks that were half of what they were before. I ended up with a UAI and marks that were horrible, but they mean more to me than it would have if I’d just breezed through the hsc, gotten great marks and straight into uni. I can see now that getting top marks isn't everything, or the only reason to be proud. For everyone who says they didn’t even study or put in any effort, how can something – even a UAI of 100 – mean very much if you didn’t even try? You can't look down on people who might have had to work so much harder than you to get average marks, academic achievement doesn't define how smart or talented a person is. When you say you got 99.whatever but didn't have to try remember it really cuts down the people who didn't do so well but put in every effort. Everyone is good at something.

I think it takes a whole lot more to come on here like Lou Lou did and be proud of yourself even if you didn't get the highest UAI possible. If you did really well, well done, but if you didn’t its not the end of the world. Whether you got a UAI of 40 or 99.95 you should be proud that you tried your hardest and got your HSC because not everyone gets that far - you're one step closer to getting where you want to go!! :D :D.

Remember it’s not always the smartest person who makes the best doctor (teacher, lawyer, physio, pilot.....), or person. :)
Last edited:


Oct 9, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

Sprinkles~ said:

I think that a lot people place too much emphasis on academic achievement defining success in life, especially when it comes to Year 12. You don't have to get the best marks to be happy and go far in life. Your path might be harder and take a little longer, but you can achieve anything if you want it enough. You haven't failed if you didn't get a UAI in the 80's or 90's.

I'd always been one of those "naturally smart" ones and I took for granted that I could get high marks without even having to study. I found it funny that I'd be able to do little work and still beat my friends who had studied for hours. I'd run around like it was something to be proud of, bragging about how I "didn't even try" (my friends must have wanted to strangle me half the time because of how I acted, if I could go back I probably would punch me :p), but I think it's the ones who put the most effort in regardless of their results who should be proud. The reality is that you can't always rely on being gifted and not having to work hard to get where you want to go, because you won’t always get to take the easy road. I always assumed that I'd easily go really great in the hsc and would to get in uni when I finished, but I got sick when I was in year 10 and have had to put in 100 times the effort since to come out with marks that were half of what they were before. I ended up with a UAI and marks that were horrible, but they mean more to me than it would have if I’d just breezed through the hsc, gotten great marks and straight into uni. I can see now that getting top marks isn't everything, or the only reason to be proud. For everyone who says they didn’t even study or put in any effort, how can something – even a UAI of 100 – mean very much if you didn’t even try? You can't look down on people who might have had to work so much harder than you to get average marks, academic achievement doesn't define how smart or talented a person is. When you say you got 99.whatever but didn't have to try remember it really cuts down the people who didn't do so well but put in every effort. Everyone is good at something.

I think it takes a whole lot more to come on here like Lou Lou did and be proud of yourself even if you didn't get the highest UAI possible. If you did really well, well done, but if you didn’t its not the end of the world. Whether you got a UAI of 40 or 99.95 you should be proud that you tried your hardest and got your HSC because not everyone gets that far - you're one step closer to getting where you want to go!! :D :D.

Remember it’s not always the smartest person who makes the best doctor (teacher, lawyer, physio, pilot.....), or person. :)
this was good.. but use paragraphs :burn: :burn: :burn: :eek:


Mar 25, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

timobr0 said:
worse when you did well internally all year, optimistic about getting 98 (goal for about 2 years), needing max 93-94, getting quite ill before trials, fucking up trials..... leading into writing almost nothing in the HSC exams because of not many opportunities to study and just not being up for it....ending up with a really shit uai that gets you into nothing, let alone into something you want to do.
I did my first four exams with a fever yeah i was sick through the whole thing too, but i should just scrape in


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

tkfkd said:
I got 61.05 UAI and still devastated and sad but I know that I haven't put up the effort most of the guys did here. (I did towards the end but was tooo late :(). Anyway, I'm wondering if I can go into Information Technology course in UWS which has cut-off of 61.00 UAI? Do any of you who are "uni expertise" and knows about cutoffs and stuff think that it will rise? I really really hope it doesn't.
Anybody answered this?

the cut off represents the students who got into that course and had the lowest UAI for students entering into that course. So the uai for a subject is not the average uai a student taking a certain course got- people could of gotten much higher.

look at the history of that course you are taking, did it go up last year or down? if up...there's always the second round. if down lucky you.

if the same then your a uni student.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

Sprinkles~ said:

I think that a lot people place too much emphasis on academic achievement defining success in life, especially when it comes to Year 12. You don't have to get the best marks to be happy and go far in life. Your path might be harder and take a little longer, but you can achieve anything if you want it enough. You haven't failed if you didn't get a UAI in the 80's or 90's.

I'd always been one of those "naturally smart" ones and I took for granted that I could get high marks without even having to study. I found it funny that I'd be able to do little work and still beat my friends who had studied for hours. I'd run around like it was something to be proud of, bragging about how I "didn't even try" (my friends must have wanted to strangle me half the time because of how I acted, if I could go back I probably would punch me :p), but I think it's the ones who put the most effort in regardless of their results who should be proud. The reality is that you can't always rely on being gifted and not having to work hard to get where you want to go, because you won’t always get to take the easy road. I always assumed that I'd easily go really great in the hsc and would to get in uni when I finished, but I got sick when I was in year 10 and have had to put in 100 times the effort since to come out with marks that were half of what they were before. I ended up with a UAI and marks that were horrible, but they mean more to me than it would have if I’d just breezed through the hsc, gotten great marks and straight into uni. I can see now that getting top marks isn't everything, or the only reason to be proud. For everyone who says they didn’t even study or put in any effort, how can something – even a UAI of 100 – mean very much if you didn’t even try? You can't look down on people who might have had to work so much harder than you to get average marks, academic achievement doesn't define how smart or talented a person is. When you say you got 99.whatever but didn't have to try remember it really cuts down the people who didn't do so well but put in every effort. Everyone is good at something.

I think it takes a whole lot more to come on here like Lou Lou did and be proud of yourself even if you didn't get the highest UAI possible. If you did really well, well done, but if you didn’t its not the end of the world. Whether you got a UAI of 40 or 99.95 you should be proud that you tried your hardest and got your HSC because not everyone gets that far - you're one step closer to getting where you want to go!! :D :D.

Remember it’s not always the smartest person who makes the best doctor (teacher, lawyer, physio, pilot.....), or person. :)
True and i agree completely-the hsc results only show the academic side and not the extra curricular or the other talents ppl have


le random
Jul 26, 2004
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

"Graduated from North Sydney Boys', 2006.

2006 NSW UAI: 98.90, UMAT score: 221

UNSW Medicine, please accept me."

that's what i need


Oct 31, 2005
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

go bragg elsewhere


New Member
Feb 27, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

I think your all winging way to much.... i got 38.20 nd my best friend got 32.80 but she got into UNE anyway so hopefully ill get into scu

Go the shithouse marks


splashing in puddles
Jan 13, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

I also have some friends up at UNE who got a 30 and still got into UNE, but that's UNE, they'll accept basically anyone. wish they weren't so far away from here. :p


New Member
Dec 23, 2006
Lalor Park
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

There's always 'Mature Age Student' entry. Dont know why it's called that though... 21 is hardly 'Mature'...

So go travelling for two years, see the world, get a job-age to start paying that debt-age that you ALL will aquire when you are ALL uni people.

Become ridiculously inebriated for a year - but come back around this time next year to hear ME whinge about my crappy UAI, and then feel free to drink all over again.

Not that i'm condoning alcohol.

Chocolate, on the other hand...


New Member
Dec 23, 2006
Lalor Park
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

P.S -


UMAT 221?!?!? Sweet Jesus. See what all of this does to me! i'm turning religious.

Do you have any tips?

Start praying for me. UMAT 2007, here i come...

PPS, UNSW will definately accept you - they's be idiots not to.

PPPS, HAQUE, YOU ARE A TOOL. and you can Shove my 4 units of english up your 99.95... ahem.

That was un-lady like. i apologise.

*sticks tongue out*


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain

minorcadence said:
P.S -


UMAT 221?!?!? Sweet Jesus. See what all of this does to me! i'm turning religious.

Do you have any tips?

Start praying for me. UMAT 2007, here i come...

PPS, UNSW will definately accept you - they's be idiots not to.

PPPS, HAQUE, YOU ARE A TOOL. and you can Shove my 4 units of english up your 99.95... ahem.

That was un-lady like. i apologise.

*sticks tongue out*
I have many family friends and close friends who received low uais yet i have a lot of respect for them because they are talented in other areas- I was merely trying to be compassionate and positive about the fact that uai isn't everything-I'm not really sure what the aggression is about. I'm sorry if for any offence-i made the post with the best intentions in mind.

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