Who is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years? (2 Viewers)

Who is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years?

  • Rudd

    Votes: 12 17.4%
  • Bob hawke

    Votes: 8 11.6%
  • Paul Keating

    Votes: 14 20.3%
  • John Howard

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Julia Gillard

    Votes: 5 7.2%

  • Total voters


May 1, 2011
to be honest most people wouldn't find gay marriage that important of an issue when selecting a candidate even if they support it.
Yeah pretty much this. It seems like a lot of people are just annoyed it's taking so long for them to legalise it and taking up so much time in Parliament that could be used for other, more important issues.


Sep 18, 2011
In my opinion Kevin Rudd is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years because of:
-strong economic management- kept Australia out of a Great Depression/ Great Recession during the time period concept of the Global Financial Crisis. Australia was facing the most challenging economic circumstances since the Great Depression. We got through the GFC with the lowest unemployment, strong public finances, strong economic growth and high workforce participation when compared to the rest of the Western World.
-pension reform- gave the biggest increase to the pension over the past thirty years after 11 years of neglect by the Howard government. Rudd reformed the pension system and increased the qualifying age of the age pension from 55 years to 67 years to ensure the sustainability of the pension system. We are living longer that means we should be working for a longer period of time.
- improved Health and Education services in Australia- working in partnership with the state governments reformed the education and health system; making it more productive, efficient and catered to circumstance contingent demands of the clients (needs based system). The Better Schools reform was a great success so much so Tony Abbott did a 'me too' on such policies.
- border protection reform- aimed to stop the boats by introducing tough border protection policies such as the Papua New Guinea Resettlement Solution for asylum seekers.
-strong national security- stepped up the fight against international terrorism and won the un winable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by standing shoulder to shoulder with America and strengthening the US-Australia Alliance.
Thanks for today's belly laugh. I needed it.

Also, regarding "Labor will pass gay marriage under Rudd", Kev said he would dedicate a conscience vote to the matter, previously attempted in 2012, where it failed miserably. His impulsive change of position a month prior to the impending leadership contest was simply a pathetic last ditch attempt to obfuscate the issue while garnering votes from do-gooders...
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