Gah! An embarrasing amount of me in Phil's film. lol. No, I didn't watch it... I was hiding behind Leanne's legs! lol
In other news, I am feeling very, very miserable

I was going to go watch Xmen with Rob and his mentor leader, but had to drop Leanne off on Culloden road...
There was an accident where the "carpark road" gets back onto Waterloo, so it was literally bumper to bumper from C1 to that traffic light. It took about 15 minutes!!!! Anyway. I finally got to Culloden road, dropped Leanne off, and was stupid enough to think "yeah, it'll be easy to get back to Mac Centre, no need to consult the map..."
I ended up in Epping Road, going AWAY from Macquarie. By the time I was in an area I sort of recognised (Epping) I tried to turn back but got myself into a situation where I was forced to go into a loop and wasn't allowed to turn the way I wanted :'( I wanted to cry. I just wanted to get back to Mac Centre!!! Was that too much to ask?
Anyway, I had to give up at that point, I was feeling just so miserable, and the traffic was so nasty