Frigid said:
but surely that comes with experience? i still have four and a bit years to graduation... i hope to have 'wisen' up by then.
It does come with experience, but if people have closed minds on what to expect and how they want to behave they will be in for a rude shock when no one outside of their special interest group cares.
Even if she told you that you came across like a complete tool you can ask her why she feels that is. Maybe you have an overbearing personality, or perhaps you argue insignificant points while larger problems continue unchecked.
Also a HR manager is often not the one having the final say, they are involved in the process but your supervisor has one of the strongest opinions most times.
HR is usually involved from a starting point, in my experience the position chain goes
1) We need someone to do this - Supervisor/boss
2) OK give us some specs and we'll advertise - HR
3) Thanks these are the specs - Supervisor/boss
4) Ok anyone who applies but does not meet the criteria gets put in the garbage straight away (or filed away for 7 years depending on the company) - HR
5) Here's a list of people - HR to supervisor/boss
6) Thanks, can we have a section to weed out some more, here's a test of what i'd like them to do, make them take it - Supervisor/boss to HR
7) The tests were taken and we also had a quick interview to weed out those who have no idea what business dress sense is or how to communicate professionally - HR to supervisor/boss
8) Ok here's the list of people who passed the first three stages - HR
9) Thanks guys, can i have the names on tabs of paper and I will use my dart board to pick out a few - supervisor/boss
10) Ok lets go have an interview to see who the winner is - Supervisor/boss/interview panel (in my experience by this stage they know who they will pick and this is a formality to find ways of justifying the choice further).
11) Congrats mister winner, sorry mister loser - HR
A few of those you can switch around but any recruitment for a serious job gets thrown around a fair bit.
Every company will vary in the way they do things though but the larger ones tend to have several stages. I had a couple where I didn't apply for the job, they came looking for me, but they were contracts and smaller organisations.