but what are they?? and whats their purpose? and is it a good thing or bad thing
(i really only know the unsw socialist alliance but i think this is mostly true for the groups at usyd and uts) the socialist alliance at unsw seems pretty good on the surface level, they advocate for very nice stuff like stopping the genocide in palestine and i heard that they were also hardliners for making gay marriage legal. their members are generally very enthusiastic and i think spend a lot of their time on campus handing out flyers for whatever the current distressing world event is
but their overarching ideologies are a bit extremist… they are marxists, so they believe marx’s theory of how societies naturally progress from tribalism -> feudalism -> capitalism -> socialism -> communism (notice how each iteration gets a bit more fairer for the working class i.e. normal ppl) i think they want society to progress to socialism to fulfil their ultimate goal of communism.
their idea of communism is trotskyism, which is to overthrow people with capital (stuff that makes money like factories, workers, businesses without direct intervention from the owner) and to give all that ownership to the working class, people who actually carry out the labour (like janitors, cooks, factory workers, waiters). the effect of this is that workers will control the means of production where they can make democratic decisions for the company instead of some shadow rich guy at the top who has no consideration for the workers. trotskyism differs from what we would think of communism historically since there would be no big dictator controlling everyone, and instead of invading countries to force communism, trotskyists believe that the working class should start simultaneous revolutions across the world and implement socialism/communism in everywhere at the same time. (i think this is what the meat of trotskyism is, i haven’t read a lot about it so it may be very inaccurate

also i omitted any grievances i have about this system to attempt to give an unbiased account lol)
i guess the key reason most people dislike them is that the socialist alliance itself is sooooooo annoying. walking in front of people to get their attention for what they believe is a good cause (but we are all rushing to the next class!) and trying their hardest to convince left leaning people that they have the solution to all the worlds problems is so infuriating. also their members seem very samey since they all got indoctrinated to the exact same intricate ideology. you talk to one member of the socialist alliance and you have talked to them all. perhaps trotskyism is the way forward but idc just shut up and don’t try to talk to me when i am very obviously preoccupied
Yea I did give my contacts bye I'm changing my ph9ne number

its so bad i got 5 opps following my instagram and even though i told the person in charge of my recruitment that i dont want to talk to them anymore this guy jack keeps sending me sms messages like "students for palestine workshop at 1pm! hope i will see you there

", "participate in the student strike for palestine

" like bro i cut ties with your group did u not get the message jack (unfortunately i have to participate in the strike since i dont have classes on the 29th (guys for the record i hate israel but these socialists are my biggest opps yet))