Why you shouldn't waste your money on tutoring (1 Viewer)


Jul 3, 2022
I kept having arguments with people about this opinion so I thought it deserved its own thread.

Tldr: if you don't need a 98+ atar, tutoring is a waste of money and you are better off learning to teach yourself and find free assistance when you need it.

You can get into any degree you want with an atar of 90 apart from med, law, actl, physio dental and vet. If you don't want to do any of these degrees, then every other degree is within 90-93 even at the best unis, and an atar of 90 will ensure your entry to said degrees with subject performance based adjustments. The only other reason to attempt for a very high atar apart from the aforementioned degrees is to try for scholarships, however it's much easier to get scholarships through high performance in extracurricular activities.

Thus we have the vast majority of students who just need an atar of 90. If someone has managed to get themselves on this website and make a post asking for advice then they will easily be able to navigate thsc and youtube and so forth to get themself the marks they need for an atar of 90. This is why whenever someone comes on the server asking for advice with tutoring I always state that they shouldnt go to it unless they need 98+.

There are absolutely cases where going to tutoring would be more efficient and require less effort for the student in order to get 90. However, learning to teach yourself stuff and not have it spoon-fed is a really useful skill, and will come useful in uni and in a lot of non-academic stuff.

You might say that you need information taught to you by another person instead of from a book or website.
This is absolutely untrue and has no scientific backing, and you're simply limiting your potential by saying stuff like this.

BTW I don't have any beef with any advertising their tutoring on here, i respect the hustle and would absolutely do it myself despite thinking it wrong if it paid well enough

Thanks for reading my rant


Aug 29, 2021
I kept having arguments with people about this opinion so I thought it deserved its own thread.

Tldr: if you don't need a 98+ atar, tutoring is a waste of money and you are better off learning to teach yourself and find free assistance when you need it.

You can get into any degree you want with an atar of 90 apart from med, law, actl, physio dental and vet. If you don't want to do any of these degrees, then every other degree is within 90-93 even at the best unis, and an atar of 90 will ensure your entry to said degrees with subject performance based adjustments. The only other reason to attempt for a very high atar apart from the aforementioned degrees is to try for scholarships, however it's much easier to get scholarships through high performance in extracurricular activities.

Thus we have the vast majority of students who just need an atar of 90. If someone has managed to get themselves on this website and make a post asking for advice then they will easily be able to navigate thsc and youtube and so forth to get themself the marks they need for an atar of 90. This is why whenever someone comes on the server asking for advice with tutoring I always state that they shouldnt go to it unless they need 98+.

There are absolutely cases where going to tutoring would be more efficient and require less effort for the student in order to get 90. However, learning to teach yourself stuff and not have it spoon-fed is a really useful skill, and will come useful in uni and in a lot of non-academic stuff.

You might say that you need information taught to you by another person instead of from a book or website.
This is absolutely untrue and has no scientific backing, and you're simply limiting your potential by saying stuff like this.

BTW I don't have any beef with any advertising their tutoring on here, i respect the hustle and would absolutely do it myself despite thinking it wrong if it paid well enough

Thanks for reading my rant
Tutoring and atar aren’t completely correlated. I know lots of duxes at my school (99.5+) never got tutoring, whilst a lot of people with tutoring never break into the 90’s. It really depends on your own effort and what you do with it.

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