futility goes beyond the topic of war to question life itself-
by this stage in his war poerty, Owen is completely fed up with war and all that it embodies.... in Futility Owen uses a form of a sonnet(not specifically a true sonnet which comprises and octet then a sestet) to juxtapose two very different ideas
firstly, in the octet, the power of the sun to create life and
secondly, the inability of the sun to resurrect life;
in the faint hope that he may convince his audience that war in an inhumane, unheroic and futile battle which even the sun (the creator of life) has no control over.
the rhetorical question " o what made fatuous sunbeams toil - to break earth's sleep at all" sums up the bitter tone of this poem and reinforces the absolute pointlessness of life if it is to end on the battlefield