my teacher told me you had to do all 6 for decent marks, unless you analysed Dulce very thoroughly you'd get probably half the marks
my teacher really knows her shit well for poetry, she doesnt communicate it well because my english class has (should say had, no more english classes for me) a bunch of dumbshits in the back row pissing her off so she never came into the class calm
alot of english teachers are hsc markers, its the most popular exam hence they need as many teachers as possible
imo if you went a few paragraphs in ALL the poems, and then concluded it well (ie. tone of each poem) you'd probably hit the nail on the head, however doing a few poems but analysing them deeply you'd prob. get the marks as well, it says your prescribed poems (note; plural) as a WHOLE, you could of done 2 and say yep Last laugh/send off's main personification blah blah ...