no.... would you vote for an aboriginal prime minister?
they would get land rights back! more reconciliation! Native Australia Policy! who wants that?
they would get revenge and cause another stolen generation! whipping white kids out of homes and sticking them in sacred sites hunting native animals with sticks!
remember a true australian is one that's nationality is from a different country
WHAT... well even though i think we wont have an aboriginal prime minister for years ns years... but u have no right saying that!! as if we would get revenge or somfin.. even though some of u may deserve it... but we have rights to our land and it sour culture!!
and as for the true australians... we were here first nd why would u claim some one elses country any way?? unless u dont have a country ov ur own... nd so does that make white people from australia not true australians becaues, they dont have a nationality....