alien said:
hehe i love ice skating and i go to macquarie. my friends and i get all tricky and cut each other off, but one time i stacked it and someone skated over my fingers so now i have these scars
ouch! but u can show off ur scars huh ^^
but ouch!
clenching fists wen falling...tthats like tyrn to bring ur fingers or sumfin....and newflash! if u break ur finger, its gonna flop out anyway and then sum1s gonna skate over it and den its like double ouch!
ye! wen i stack it at high speeds my palms go numb coz its like the ice kinda sands off the surface of the skin....and u have this numb, cold burning sensation....
which is why if i usually sliding on my palms and then i realise oh no this is bad, so i roll over and slide on legs etc....but then 1/2 ur body gets wet..