I thought I would post up some of the questions from the CSSA 2005 trial for those who did the Independent trial this year.
It may be of help in studying for the society and culture HSC exam on thursday.
Section 1
Part A
1a) Explain the concepts of power and authority. (2 marks)
1b) Outline how the concepts of power and authority relate to decision making and participation in society. (4)
2a) What are the characteristics of a focus group. (2 marks )
2b) Outline a situation where a focus group would be an appropriate method of research. Justify the use of thnis methodology for the situation identified. (4 marks)
3a) Explain the concept of globalisation. (2 marks)
3b) Discuss how globalisation could be used to explain aspects of continuity and change. ( 4 marks )
Section 1
Part B
Answer the following with reference to the country you have studied.
4a) Outline ONE specific aspect of change on the nature of traditional society and culture in the country you have studied. ( 2 marks )
4b) Evaluate the impact of the change identified in part (a). ( 4 marks )
4c) Develop a hypothesis regarding the future of the selected country using EITHER scenario writing OR forecasting. ( 6 marks )
If any of you did the independant trial this year, i would love to know some of the questions asked in section 1!