Alright i am feeling a little stressed out so i need a prediction to hopefully boost my confidence.
English(advanced) 94th/147 --70%
English extention 1 35th/50 -- 75%
Maths advanced 100th/115 ---60%(no need to rub it in)
Software 4th/11 -----90%
Economics 18th/24-----80%
Legal Studies 8th/20-----85%
I go to a selective school on the northen beaches and i assume it would be ranked pretty highly.
English(advanced) 94th/147 --70%
English extention 1 35th/50 -- 75%
Maths advanced 100th/115 ---60%(no need to rub it in)
Software 4th/11 -----90%
Economics 18th/24-----80%
Legal Studies 8th/20-----85%
I go to a selective school on the northen beaches and i assume it would be ranked pretty highly.